Monday, November 28, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday - A visit with Santa

On the 4th Monday of each month we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join. The next Perfect Moment Monday event will be on December 26.

To participate in Perfect Moment Monday:

Follow Write Mind Open Heart.

Between the Sunday night before and the Sunday night after, write up your own Perfect Moment.

Use LinkyTools on her website to enter your name (or your site/blog name) and the URL of your Perfect Moment.

Visit the Perfect Moments of others and let the writers know you were there with some comment currency.

Despite the fact that I am all into the Santa part of Christmas, I have never been one for the photo with Santa tradition. I just found it too forced or too annoying for me to stand in line for my child to be "processed". I am sure that it is not that way everywhere, but my limited experiences had shown me that it was more often than not, an experience I could easily do without. Michael did not seem to have the need to visit Santa (a letter and a special trip to a mailbox did fine--as well as one year a letter FROM Santa at the North Pole). I haven't regretted or missed that tradition in the least.

But, yesterday we were at The Enchanted Village and after the exhibit, Willow saw Santa was receiving children. She almost ran up to him right to him (she would have, if I hadn't held her back). And the line was short. And I decided, why not? This Santa impressed me. He took time with each child. One child in front of us had brought a letter for him which he then took the time to read and talk to her about it. No feeling of rushing and a lot of cuddle and warmth. Each child was someone, not someone to be photographed and off. children saw Santa (who welcomed a reluctant Michael onto his lap with a "hey, pal, come up right here" as if he understood a 13 year old big brother).

The Enchanted Village will definitely be a new tradition...and Santa, well, it may be a tradition that Willow would like to have too.



Thriving Despite Us said...

I just got thru hanging all of our Santa visit pics. My favorites are the ones where the kids are babies and are screaming. Now that they are older they love those too. I think you will like this new tradition. And it will give you some great pics for years to come!

St Elsewhere said...

Willow looks so happy in Santa's lap. Even if Michael isn't that impressed, your little girl is going to make you take her to the Santa every year....I can see that.

Glad that you liked it too.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Totally nodding my head at your "processing" comment.

I love the look of wonder and joy on Willow's face. Yes, it does look like you found an impressive Santa.

Esperanza said...

Oh, look at how happy she is sitting there on his lap. She's just beaming.

Kristin said...

What a truly delightful visit to Santa. I'm glad they both got to experience it and it sounds like the perfect place to go.

Kathy said...

Love this!!! So glad that you happened upon such a kind, patient and genuine Santa. The video is precious. Thank you for sharing this perfect moment with us. I wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. :)

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