Sunday, November 06, 2011

Day 6

Some pictures of the cats...

Gabrielle is our first cat. She is about 8 years old (we are not sure of how old she was when we got her, she was a shelter cat).

Here is a picture from when we first got her.

She is a really sociable cat. However, she is not a lap cat. She loves to sleep beside you in bed.

Kif is our youngest family member. He just turned one year old this July. We got him as an 8 week old kitten from the same shelter we got Gabby from.

He is definitely a lap cat.
Often I will see Willow snuggle up to Kif in this manner and they will snuggle up and watch a cartoon together.

In a lot of ways, Kif is Willow's cat.

Kif is also attuned to Willow in other ways. He is a mischief maker. He makes messes.

Currently, he likes to stalk the door to try to escape outside. (They are both indoor cats)

While I have been unemployed, it has been comforting to have them around. And a little interesting to see what their daily habits are. (For example, they seem to snuggle into specific places on the couch).


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