Thursday, November 03, 2011

30 Posts in 30 Days - Day 3

She is asleep still. Which is good, because she woke up in the middle of the night wet and cold (her pull up leaked). She got into bed with us. Willow coming into bed reminded me of times when Michael was potty training and he would come to us wet and I would strip him down and just let him sleep like a naked little frog in our bed (things you do when it is 3 a.m. and you want to sleep).

But. This was at 1 a.m. and everyone in the house is dealing with a cold bug. So, I had to strip her and her bed, get her new pajamas and pull up, fix up her bed and get her back to sleep. Afterwards, I was uncharacteristically able to go right back to sleep. After coughing a lot and blowing my nose a couple times.

So she sleeps still and I contemplate what to do today.

Yesterday I went to a pre-interview interview, then came home, drove Chewy to work in Boston, had a phone interview, picked up Michael from school, did some laundry and then picked up Willow from preschool and Chewy from the train station (dinner in the form of brisket in a slow cooker was a great help).

Today. Well, today Willow and I may go to a farm. Or maybe walk around a pond. Today is a day to spend with her.


1 comment:

C said...

Hope you all are well soon!

And I love that you have days for just you and one of the kiddos:)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...