Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Show & Tell #59

I sent in our pre-registration forms for Total Con today. Its a gaming convention in late February that we go to every year.

One of the things we signed up for is this special event:

"Special Event: G[uest]O[f]H[onor] Frank Mentzer will be
running the First D&D module ever printed
in 1976 "Palace of the Vampire Queen" as
run at Gary Con 1, the first convention to
commemorate the passing of Gary Gygax
and will be offering special signed souvenir
certificates for those who play this event."

And that got me thinking about one of my favorite combinations: Futurama and D&D:

Click Here to see a cool little clip I found (just now!) with the creators of Futurama talking about Gary Gygax.

I like the line "I"m a tenth level Vice President!"

Show and Tell

Click to see who else is Showing and Telling.


The Steadfast Warrior said...

I have no idea about D&D but my hubby is a big fan! Have fun at the convention!

Kristin said...

That is really cool. Years ago when my mom was teaching a high school Sunday School class, she had them write a whole Dungeons & Dragons game based on the old testament. It was really amazing.

Jen said...

very neat. I played a bit of D&D when we lived overseas

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...