Sunday, January 24, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Moments that are perfect can come when you are tired...

Moment #1:

It is getting time to go to bed and its time to read to her. He has been at a Babysitter's Introduction Class most of the day. So, he volunteers to read to her. And then he proceeds to multi-task...he needs to finish his Einstein biography (so that they can do the report this week). So, we all cuddle up to my almost eleven year old reading about Albert Einstein going to school. She listens intently for a while. Then she starts poking him in the face. And then she hugs him and kisses him. I have no idea how she realized this--but she showed her brother such affection at such the right moment...

Moment #2:

It is a half an hour later. We are sitting down to some adult time television viewing. We hear some rustling up stairs, but figure they are settling down. We think he is going to the bathroom; we think she is talking to herself in her crib. And then, they are at the top of the stairs. He says that she was so cute, that they just wanted to cuddle in his bed for a while. And then he promised her they could come down and visit...we acknowledge them reluctantly, but with full hearts--Bed Time Take 2...

(and 1/2 hour later, we did get to have some adult time again)

More Perfect Moments Here.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

I love the way your children interact with each other. Says a lot about how much love they are shown.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

love that they want to spend time together like that! how sweet! xoxo

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That is so sweet, I just love the image of your two kiddos snuggling in bed and reading Einstein's biography. Thanks, Delenn, for sharing this <3.

Kristin said...

Oh how sweet! It sounds like there is a wonderful relationship developing there.

PerfectMomentProject said...

adorable story. love how the kids didn't want to let go of that special moment either. glad you let them linger a little.

Photogrl said...

That is just too sweet!

niobe said...


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...