Monday, January 11, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Moment #1: I don't do as much socializing outside my comfort zone--usually my husband, a few mutual friends. Sometimes that can be isolating. So, one part of my Plan this year--try to reach out to others and find my social life again. Yesterday, I was going to a Meet Up for Ruby Feathers (see sidebar badge). As I was leaving, my husband and she were sleeping on the couch. My son--he was acting dejected. He knew he needed to do some homework, but did not want to...and suddenly--he was clingy. I told him if he wanted me to, I would stay. I told him that nothing is more important to me than him. But, he said I could go. I left him my cell phone number, I told him to call if he wanted me to come home. LATER, when I got home, my husband and I were expecting company--and I expressly ignored them (with their permission) to go watch "Monsters, Inc." with my son next to me in my arms.

Moment #2: The men of the house went to get the garbage cans from the street. She was upset, did not understand where they went! I told her--"here, look out of the window...they will be coming up any minute..." and we wait. And we wait. (Seems they went to the convenience store down the street too). And we wait. At the window for daddy and brother. Who finally come up the driveway. Once she seems them, she bangs on the window and jumps up and down...they are here again!!

More Perfect Moments Here.


Jessica White said...

Definitely perfect the standing at the window, waiting in anticipation :-)

PS. Monsters Inc is an awesome movie!

Kristin said...

Those are definitely perfect moments!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Watching that movie with your son, letting him know he is worth your time and attention -- that must have meant so much to him.

Once A Mother said...

awww great moments, nothing like feeling needed, and what a great welcoming committee...

Jane said...

That is perfect!

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niobe said...

I'm awfully glad you made it to the meet up.

MrsSpock said...

Precious family time!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...