Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Show & Tell #58

What does this:

Have to do with this:

Well, I think this article sums up:

Willow put about Four of the above up her nose tonight...

I like that the article says this:

How can I prevent this from happening?

"...You'll also want to teach your child that it's a bad idea to put anything in his nose and ears."

Yeah. Reasoning with a toddler. I will mark that down.

* Note: No toddlers were harmed in this post...but, there was an "ewww" factor...

Show and Tell

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Once A Mother said...

oh boy...

Cajun Cutie said...

wow, better than rocks. My cousin once put gravel from the driveway into his nose.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Someone who will kill me if I name him once placed a Tic Tac up his nose.

I saw the status update about the blueberry preceding the peas. Once it stops being funny, it's sort of scary actually.

kimbosue said...


Anonymous said...

How did you get them out?

JJ said...

Oh no! Did she sneeze them out?

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Yikes! Smooch does that with raisint but doesn't actually put them all the way in. It may just be a matter of time.

..Soo.See.. said...

Eek! How'd they come out?

Kristin said...

Oh man, there is a massive ick factor involved. I know from personal experience with my oldest. Hope you got it out without too much trouble.

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

I am just waiting for L to do something like this, but so far he only puts his finger up there, occasionally. Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Funny. I watched an episode of House this weekend where this little boy kept putting tinytoys up his nose. It was a fun story line. Each visit Dr House would pull out a fire truck, police officer, soldier the the last piece really stuck in there was a cat(i think) so all the other pieces were going in to rescue the cat.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

my brother once put a red tic tac up his nose. it freaked my mom out.

now every year on his bday, i send him a pack of red tic tacs. they're getting hard to find though.

Christina said...

Ewww. But pretty funny, really!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Oh, dear.

Anonymous said...

Ick ick .. i hope you got them out without to much trouble.

kate said...

HAH. I love it-- just, you know, reason with them. Because the rational part of their brain is *so* developed at that age... sheesh! I hope they came out okay!

Anonymous said...


Photogrl said...


I'm glad to hear that Willow is okay.

You've got a story to tell her for many years!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Ha, ha, ha, ah, OMIGoodness, thanks for the serious chuckle and smile, Delenn.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...