Friday, January 29, 2010

The Plan: January

Here is my update on The Plan:

Physical Health

This is a work in progress, of course. I would say that I have gotten in the habit of taking my vitamins and brushing and flossing my teeth to the point that I would say that is a success. Of the things to try to lose weight, I think that I have maintained my morning exercise routine with a minimum of success--the past 2 weeks have been more chaotic than usual, so trying to get up early enough to do my full morning routine has been hard. At least I am getting up at doing at the minimum 20 - 30 mins on stationary bike...this would be on average 3-5 days a week. The WiiFit and Cardio Boxing--also been hard hit by the chaos, but I was able to work out 15 - 20 mins. an average of 3 nights a week. The more active bit--kinda been harder hit by the weather and people being sick in the household...

Where I have failed totally and utterly--eating better. Last week was Carb heavy AND then this week, hit with the time of the month of cravings, etc....and the chaotic week(s)...trying but failing on the whole eating better, cooking more, eating less....Guess there is next month to redeem myself (although being at a gaming convention at a hotel--kinda hard, but at least this time I got us a kitchen in the suite).

  1. Lose and keep off the baby weight
  2. Take vitamins
  3. Become more active
  4. Maintain my morning exercise routine; expand it to working out of WiiFit at night for at least 15 mins.
  5. Brush and floss my teeth more often

Mental Well Being

Despite the past two weeks being fraught with things to throw us off, I am very proud of how I have worked on these goals. We have still not had a family meeting, per se, I would say that this weekend will be one. We have had several dinners in the kitchen table and have had meaningful discussions. I have used a huge helping load of patience and I feel that I have been much less prone to anger when it comes to the children and situations. I have taken times to just relax and breathe easy. Still working on some alone time with the husband and still working on some domestic issues related to that. I have tried to have more of a social life outside of the family, and I think I have made some in-roads on that.

  1. Re-start our Family Meetings – try to make them bi-weekly
  2. Simplify (Throw things AWAY)
  3. Use alone time to relax, not just to get things done
  4. Take a step back from situations that frustrate me, try to use patience.
  5. Make more of an effort to connect with people


Our babysitter is AWOL. We cannot seem to connect with her through her cellphone or home phone number. SO, we are back to square one, trying to find a routine babysitter. We had a wonderful time at an Eddie Izzard concert, but had to have our neighbor watch our, we definately need to get that situation dealt with. I have some leads. Other things still need to be worked on....

  1. Save more, waste less
  2. Make an effort to spend more alone time with my husband
  3. Use our babysitter once a month; try to utilize other people for babysitting
  4. Complain less
  5. Enjoy what I have; quit worrying about what I do not have
  6. Scrapbook more


Working on all of these with mixed results. The chaos of the last 2 weeks have screwed up some of these things, but I have been cutting back on computer, video games and television viewing in the household...
  1. Re-start family gaming night/afternoon (?)
  2. Cut back on the computer/video game ratio in the household
  3. Involve the kids more in food preparation

I would say that I am off to good start, not a great start, on The Plan.


kimbosue said...

Good luck! A good start is better than no start!

C said...

A start is great!!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...