Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gone Gaming

February means two things to me. My son’s birthday (which seems to usually be a week long bacchanalia, what with presents coming in the mail, his birthday party usually a week before hand, etc.). His party on Sunday was a hit--some parents were talking about it the next day! The kids ran around "battling" instructors dressed up as Trolls and Ghosts, etc. The kids had foam swords and square padded shields and some people had packets of magic (foam balls/squares). At one point I saw my son (who, as was optional, dressed up in a costume) negotiate with a Cave Troll--by trying to pawn off his costume medallion. A lot of running around and screaming ensued. I then put D&D miniatures on his cake and the kids had cake, fruit and pizza. One kid ate 7 pieces of pizza! Michael also got some REALLY cool gifts--a Star Wars Clone Trooper Gun (Nerf), Night Goggles, a model Gargoyle, a Lego D&D Set, etc.

This weekend is the other major event in February, Total Confusion. We started going to Total Con when Michael was about 3-4 years old. We started making it an overnight destination when he was about 5 years old. Now, it is an annual tradition. It is fun to get away from home (but yet, not too far—its about an hour away). We stay overnight at the hotel where the gaming convention is held and each of us have games (role playing, board games, video games, etc.) to play. I even make a CHART (yes, I am organizational madwoman!) to make sure I know who is with the baby and who is gaming where.

This year will be Willow’s first Total Confusion, but not her first gaming convention—she went for a two day stint last July. This will be for three days, two nights, in a hotel with a mobile baby…should be interesting!

It is fun to see the same people each year, it is fun to devote time to being a family doing something we all love. And it is sooo geeky! ☺

I am looking forward (and a bit nervous) to a role playing horror game I am playing on Friday night. I usually stick to board games, so role playing is not my forte (that is usually the Husbands realm). But I have heard such great things about this GM (Game Master) from my husband, that I had to take a stab at it. (And husband gets to try out dealing with the kids at night in a hotel room—usually my forte!)

Tonight will be devoted to packing up our stuff…ugh, I realize now WHY I was happy Michael was out of the baby years…so much STUFF!!!


AwkwardMoments said...

Have a great time!

KimboSue said...

The party sounds fun - hope the convention was too!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...