Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Willow went to her 9 month wellness check up today. She is 17 lbs. 12 oz. and she is 27 inches.
The doctor said she is very expressive (she was really putting on a show for him).

In nine months I have seen her change from a helpless little being to a spunky almost-toddler. It struck me today how much she has “turned on” in the last few weeks. She is crawling and pulling herself up. She is eating cherrios, pizza crusts, rice, the occasional magazine cover…

But aside from all the wonderful physical milestones, I am starting to see glimmers of her personality. She has definite preferences in toys (and the types of toys) she likes. She beams whenever one of us comes in the room. She follows the cat with her eyes with an expression of love and want. (Wait a week or so, Gabby, then you will to run out of her way). She giggles at things. She dances to music, and she is curious curious curious about the world around her. Even her clingy-ness lately is a sign that she is growing up.

She is officially been outside my body longer than she was in. And I am so very grateful for her.


AwkwardMoments said...

Happy 9 months. They grow and grow and grow huh

Rachel said...

Aw, this is such a fun age, isn't it? My little 9 month old monster is crawling all over the place, and the cats are running in terror.

Valerie said...

I love this age. They are just so much fun.

Cibele said...

happy 9 months baby girl,
i am so glad that you and lyla are growing up "together"... we have you pic on our refrigerator and we hope to meet you someday

Artblog said...

I like what you said about being out the body longer than she was in, that's lovely and I never thought of it that way, funny to think about :)

Willow just sounds like Dan, he always puts a great show on, I love it, so proud :)


KimboSue said...

I also love the comment about being outside of your body longer than she was in...that's interesting to think about. And scary too! Glad the appointment went well.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...