Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life In General

Random stuff:

Bought a new DVD player. Its a combo DVD and VHS player like our old one, but also has dubbing function. Because of this, we have been watching some old VHS home movies and its been bittersweet to see people and places from our childhoods. I cannot even fathom how I am going to feel when we get to the VHS tapes I have of Michael when he was a baby...

Funny story about the old DVD player. I bought it without husband along. I bought it a few years back. And its never worked that great. And husband especially complained about it. And I said--if you don't like it, lets get a new one. And each time, not wanting to part with the money or whatever...he let it go. So, finally, we were out getting a humidifier (cuz that is what you do when your husband has been coughing for 2 weeks and the doc says its "just a cold going around") and while we were there--got the new DVD player. Husband wants to take the old DVD player out a la "Office Space" fax machine. And I think we will sometime soon....maybe we can borrow our neighbor's bat?

This week has been a bit rough. Husband working late, Willow being on and off again sick. She seems to be dealing with her first real illness, probably a cold, but will find out tomorrow at doctor's appt. Husband and Michael have been coughing and dealing with something for the past 2 weeks, so I think that is what she has. And she has no problems playing with me--kissing me directly, putting her hands on my mouth...yep, you guessed it...I think I am run down enough so that I might be getting sick too....

Michael had the blues the other night. He was saying time was going by so fast. And then he was complaining about the daily grind of school...I think he has been working so hard at school that he is burning out (kinda how I feel after the last 2 weeks of choas). I think he is feeling better now, but it was hard for me to hear him so sad. Luckily, Feburary vacation and his birthday are coming up...

Speaking of birthdays, I am in quandry as to what to get him...there are a few things on Amazon that he says he wants, but I am not too sure. I was originally toying with the idea of another pet (maybe another cat?) but Husband shot down that idea (at least the cat/kitten/puppy idea). Last year we got him Pepi the Iguana, which promptly turned into, Pepi the Missing Iguana, Pepi the Returned Iguana and Pepi the Dead Iguana...followed by the short-lived Pepi II (the Petstore refunded the money--he was obviously not a well Iguana). SO, what do I get my soon to be 11 year old....he got enough video games this year for the holidays....he has plenty of books...he has LOTS of lego sets....uh...still working on that one....

Now, Willow's birthday isn't until April, but I have TONS of ideas for baby dolls or strollers--she's got plenty of those. No, I think cars and trucks are the way to go...she really seems to like those too...
I have already bought some party supplies for her party--Spongebob Squarepants themed!! Its so funny to watch her sit down next to Michael to watch "Sp-bob!" as she calls it.

It is bittersweet too, planning for these events. I did a full out party for Michael last year for his 10th one...partially because I told myself that was the last one for a while. This year I am going for the "pick a couple friends and we will take them out to the movies/somewhere cool for your birthday" type party. Not really a party, per se, but still a way to celebrate. I just think 11 years olds don't need the whole gift bags, going to a party for 2-3 hours experience....especially since we host a Halloween Party at our house each year. So, while I am happy not to have the headaches involved with planning a birthday party this year---it is a bit hard for me to let that go. And its not like Willow's party is going to be big or anything, just friends/family and perhaps a couple kids from, I get a break from the Birthday-Go-Round...and I am not sure what I think about that.

Okay, 5th night in a row that I have not been able to get my butt in gear to go to bed before wonder I am tired and burned out!!

Night all.


Kristin said...

Does your son like to read? That is always a great fall back gift for my boys when I'm at a loss about gifts. I can even give you a list of books if you tell me what his interests are.

My oldest is going to be 13 and this is our first full blown big kid party (last year we did one of those party places that has go-carts and stuff) for him. Its going to be good but weird.

niobe said...

When my kid got to be approximately that age, I mostly stopped giving *things* as presents and started giving what I guess you'd describe as experiences. Like a lunch or dinner at an exotic, but not-too-expensive restaurant (think Ethiopian or Tibetan). Or a Sunday brunch at a hotel. Or a daytrip to somewhere we'd never been before -- a museum, a hike, a beach in the off season.

Maybe there's something similar that would work for your son...

kimbosue said...

I would totally "Office Space" it up on that DVD player!

Birthdays are so much fun! I can't believe Willow is having another one! Sp-Bob - too funny!

Being as my baby boy is only turning 1, I have no clue for 10 y/o presents. But you can tell me...what do I get a 1 y/o?

Delenn said...

Thanks for the advice ladies...actually, I had been thinking of doing a special thing with him...we do that type of thing a lot. When he was in Kindergarten we took him to the Lion King Musical (with a limo too). I was thinking of just having me and him go to Lion King again, and take him out to dinner...

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

Ah, yes. The benefit of school in MA is February vacation. :) That's hilarious about the DVD player.

Cibele said...

Can you believe that our girls will 2 soon? OMG!!!I agree with Michael, time is going by too fast. I hope that everybody feels better soon

Unknown said...

Does he have knex? K came up with that as a suggestion. They have some pretty fancy stuff for older kids. J suggested mindstorm the programmable legos.

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