Thursday, September 02, 2010

Summer Assessment

As Labor Day approaches, its time for a look back at this summer.

Weather-wise, here in New England, it was better than last summer (last summer ALL of June was RAIN). We did have some heat waves, but generally speaking, the weather did not hamper our activities very often.

Before school even ended, we kicked off our summer by going to a Weird Al concert. One of the best performances I have seen, it was so great to have our friend Tom along and to watch Michael mesmerized. Michael is actually pretty good at knowing the words to several songs—verbatim. Of course, that meant that on the long ride to the venue Tom and Michael had a musical singing war; it was an off-key rendering of many many Weird Al songs…at times the back seat seemed to have two 12 year olds back there!

Our week on Cape Cod was wonderful -- the weather was awesome, the beaches beautiful, yummy seafood and relaxation! We did some things we traditionally do, but we also did a few new things—a Pirate Adventure, science tour, catching hermit crabs…all fun!

Then July 4th at Canobie Lake, a tradition that keeps getting better. And my mom visited and got to enjoy her grandchildren. We introduced Willow to the Rainforest Café.

Usually I am the one desperately looking towards Autumn (one of my favorite times of year, especially here in NE). This is the first summer in a long time that I will very much miss. I think this is because we did a lot of fun things and enjoyed ourselves, but it’s more complex than that.

There is the passage of time that the change in seasons brings. Michael starts Middle School, with a locker and “Home Room” and “Gym Uniforms”. Willow has become more verbal than ever, often surprising me with the things she says and the concepts she has learned. She gives kisses (“tisses”) and hugs to people, she has started the slow march toward potty training.

However, I think the feeling that I have about summer is different this year. I think this is one of those rare summers where everything clicked and I was really able to enjoy being a parent and watching my children grow. I LOVED the fact that my children embraced summer. They have both went to the beach more times than I have this summer. Willow’s daycare provider has taken her to the local zoo and to playgrounds, the beach and to birthday parties. Michael went to a summer camp for Adventure Role Playing and then has spent the month of August at the YMCA Camp, where he passed his test to be able to go into the deep end of the pool to swim and got so filthy at a state park that I was reminded of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. The kid’s hair has grown out, their bottoms of their feet toughened, tans glowing. There were sleep-overs, late nights, trips to ice cream stands, camping and playing in the dirt. There has been discovery and fun and smiles. And I have enjoyed it all.

Thank you summer 2010. You really were something to remember.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

It sounds like a really fabulous summer. Memories like that should truly be treasured.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...