Monday, September 20, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. Once a week we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.

This weekend was not perfect. It was hectic and anxiety ridden and chaotic and annoying and so full of things happening that I don't feel like I had a weekend, per say. There was good things too, but there was an overriding feeling of exhaustion and anxiousness...throw in a sick kid, a rambunctious toddler, exhausted and overworked parents...ya got us this weekend.

So, the perfect moments were the little things--

Laying down with my head-achy son, holding him and looking at him while he tried to sleep in my arms.

Noticing her length and colors of her hair as I rock her to sleep. Hearing her say "Sing to me mommy"--as I struggle to find words to sing to this wonderful child.

Hanging out on a Saturday night, watching a silly movie (Date Night) and holding hands on the couch. Talking as we watch Pop Up Videos and remember our college years together.

Being awoken by a furry mouth nuzzling my mouth at 4 a.m. on a SATURDAY.

As I write this, I look at my hand and see traces of blue ink and I am reminded of my daughter--who destroyed a blue pen yesterday and had it ALL over herself. (At the time, not perfect--but now, I grin)

Fixing a cowlick on my son (who feels better) this morning before he goes to school, noticing how thick his hair is.

To see more Perfect Moments, click HERE.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Why is it that so many moments are perfect LATER ON?

I love that you also notice the cowlick and date-night types, too :-).

Kristin said...

Delenn, I truly love how you find the perfection in the little moments. You are an inspiration with that.

Kami said...

I know those kind of weekends. How nice that you can notice the gems.

Fiona said...

A perfect list of perfect moments!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...