Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Can Bite My Shiny Metal A**

I have not had a year as bad as 2013 was in quite some time.  It started last holiday season with Gall Bladder surgery and a family stomach bug, a death of a dear friend in January, lay-offs and general bad things.

Yes, there were some good times, especially this past spring and summer.

But it seemed that every time we thought things were getting better in our lives, that normalcy was finally going to reign, something else happened to turn our lives upside down.

We have finally had a re-boot and it seems this return to normalcy will take us to 2014.

Where I hope we find smooth sailing for a while.

Good bye, 2013.  For once, my bittersweet depression over leaving another year behind--is not so much.

Yeah, HOORAY for 2014!!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Willow Goes to the Nutcracker

Originally the plan was for all of us to go to a simulcast of a Nutcracker movie.  It was cheaper than going to the theater, and we could be in a comfortable movie theater near home.

And then a snowstorm canceled the show.

People at work knew about this.  And that is how one of the lawyers got me an incredible birthday present.

She purchased two tickets to a matinee performance of the Boston Ballet Nutcracker so that I could take Willow.

It was a wonderful experience mother/daughter experience and I will treasure it forever.

The performances were wonderful, there were lots of little girls dressed up and the sets and everything was memorable.  The look on Willow's eyes after the curtain fell for intermission...the wonder and amazement.  It was so worth it.  It was so fun and so fulfilling--I almost don't feel bad that someone side-swiped my car in the parking garage!  [sigh]

I often feel that one of the most important things in life is to experience it.  Is to explore and enjoy it.  And this was one of those times.  (If you ever want to get me a gift--take me out, do something with me...I will treasure it!)

I bought her a new dress to go to the show.  This is her posing for the camera before we left.

The seats were perfect and we could see everything!  (Oh, and the person next to her complimented her on her dress)

Afterwards, we went out to eat, just the two of us.

By then, she was getting a little punchy--but I am so glad that someone asked if we wanted a picture taken. together.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Christmas Post

I am definitely happy that this years holiday season has not been a repeat of last years!

Christmas did come quickly, it seemed. As did Hannukah (already so long ago gone!).

We had fun this season, and there is more fun to come this long weekend!

I have been a little less depressed this season than the last couple.  It could be because this year has been a rough one and we are only now seeing our way clear to a better New Year...maybe it is because this year HAD to be better than having my gall bladder out and being in the hospital and having a family stomach flu.  Maybe it is because I am a year wiser. (Nah!)

Nonetheless, the bittersweet of the season has not hit me like a wet blanket like it has the last few years.  I miss the people, I realize time seems to go ahead with or without me. I am trying to enjoy the moments and the moments in between.  (I am very zen this Christmas)

I liked this list I recently saw on Facebook for Rules for 2014.  I hope to try to abide by them this coming year.

As for Christmas Eve, Christmas and my Birthday--things went off very well and relaxing.  The kids got what they wanted, I was "surprised" by some gifts for my birthday.  I had a wonderfully funny and thoughtful gift from my son...and it was good.

Now, pies are done and turkey will be put into the oven.


Going out for a Birthday Dinner last night.

Getting ready to hand out presents last night.

New pjs and robe--new toy.

Lennier liked his toy too!

Santa's COMING!

New PJs!

Playing a new game!

Putting magic reindeer food out for the reindeer!

Ready for bed!  (Well, after coming down again for some egg nog to calm the nerves)

Stocking set up.

Looking at the toys Santa brought!

And chocolate!

Michael made sure to set his alarm at 5:30 a.m.


Quietly playing.

Going to a Brunch Sunday with the Uncle Will, Aunt Heather, Lorelei and Kirsten.



Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday Program!

The usual hectic holiday stuff has kept me from blogging...just been so much to do and enjoy--for some reason this holiday season has seemed shortened...with the beginning of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and then the count down to Christmas...

Willow has, of course, been enjoying the heck out of the holidays, and we have been enjoying watching our holiday favorites and doing all sorts of fun things!

Yesterday, Willow had her Holiday Program - some photos:

Before school...all dressed and ready!

This little light of mine!

Peace to you!

She did a very good job!  At school they also made Gingerbread houses!

Now, the kids have had their last day of school for a while--Winter Break is upon us!  For my birthday, one of the lawyers I work for gave me two tickets to the Nutcracker--so Willow and I will be looking forward to that next weekend!

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Weekend Morning Time

Wake up early than wanted to; head back to bed.

Read a bit, interrupted by a black fuzz ball.  She wants to snuggle up.  I pet her and she purrs.  I put the book down and drift off to sleep as she snuggles up to my chin.


A feeling of paws with small claws on my hand.  She has pounced on my hand and wants to play.  I halfheartedly play and tickle her, drowsy but enjoying the time with the littlest kitten.  She bites and plays with her paws--little pin pricks, no harm done.  She starts to snuggle again.


"At, a, and, the, like, is..." (am I dreaming this voice?)

"See, mommy, I can read my [sight words] list!"

The little kitten is still snuggling, I pull up the child next to me too.  She snuggles between me and my husband.  She says she has been downstairs on her own going over and over her sight words. I am very proud---and also in REM sleep.  I wish I could press SNOOZE on her cute head.

She snuggles and plays with the kitten until the kitten leaves--to play with her brother and await FOOD.

My daughter lays next to me and I hope she wants to go back to sleep for just a little.  She doesn't.  I struggle to awaken, and find that she is talking to me while sticking her thumb in her mouth.  I kiddingly take her thumb out, saying "no thumb!"  To my chagrin--this becomes a game: me taking her thumb out, her struggling to put it in.  She giggles.

I sigh.  And get up.

Going downstairs with her.  Cats awaiting in the kitchen, time for food.  Time for the day to begin. Photobucket

Friday, December 06, 2013

Kittie Update

Delenn lying down in background, Lennier in foreground.

It is a bit hectic around here, especially with the holiday convergence and the many activities and events.  We of course knew we were adding to the chaos buy adopting the kittens--but they are well loved and we could tell, despite some minor reservations, that this was a great fit for our family.

So far, everyone has their place too.

We have Lennier--the spunky kid brother to Kif.  They have become pals and playmates, although sometimes Lennier can annoy Kif (who then just jumps up high on the big freezer away from all). It reminds us how Gabby and Kif used to play.  They even lay together on the ottoman the same way that Gabrielle and Kif used to.   Michael believes "Lenny" is his cat and often picks him up and hugs him, saying "Lennnny!"
Lennier is the greedy one when it comes to food--he jumps up onto the counter while we are making the bowls up--he has already broken the cute pink bowl we had for Delenn....always makes us think of Paul, who said our cats were "Piggies with fur".

Delenn is the quiet mischievous one. She likes to hide under Willow's bed or in the shower stall downstairs.  She also is the reason why we are currently making sure all toilet seats are down and closed--because I once found her precariously sitting on the toilet seat, ready to have a impromptu bath!  She loves to play tag with her brother.  She and Kif are still weary of each other, although I saw Kif licking Delenn's face the other day.

Kif--he is being a good sport through this all.  I think he enjoys having the other cats around. He almost seems amused at some of their antics.  He even is fine with Lennier trying to steal his food! 

They often gather about in the same spot, obviously comfortable with each other. The other morning Chewy and I were greeted by three cats jumping onto our bed, which was a wonderful way to wake up!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Photo Bomb

Lennier and Delenn

Kif watching around the corner.

Under Willow's bed.

Happy Hannukah!

I just wrapped these minutes ago!

Thanksgiving and Hannukah converging--won't happen for 7,000+ years.

NOW, random photos:

Willow's portrait of our family.

At the pet store before we got the kittens...Michael picked out the collars!

Willow breading fish like a pro!

Going to bed, finding someone already there!

Eating a clementine in new pjs!

Shampooing horses hair.


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...