Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Campfires and Strawberries

This past weekend I went camping with Ana.  It was fun and very outdoorsy...also a bit different than originally planned.  Originally, we were going to go to Cape Cod and camp alone...but it was going to be too cold.

So, we camped with a group of people in NH, we did some clean up work so that we got the campsite for free...and we slept in her new (antique) Bohler camper.

It was colder than I am used to for camping...but we had a small heater, a camper and camp fire!

I had a pleasant time and enjoyed the coming of SPRING.

Ana making breakfast on Saturday morning.  It was COOOLD!  Luckily, some scrambled eggs and hot tea helped warm us up.  

A tree sprouting up around the fire pit.

We did not kayak, but it was fun to watch some people go down the river.

Saturday night campfire singing...Hi Ana!

View from the campfire.

From our campsite.

Campfire in the evening...

Campfire in the morning!  Hi Rykka (Ana's dog)!


On Sunday, Willow went over to another friend's house and helped him plant strawberry plants in his garden...she was too cute!!  She even brought home a strawberry plant for us.

It is so nice to enjoy the outdoors finally!  Happy Spring!



Life Happens said...

We were just talking about taking Matthew on his first camping trip. I am not an outdoorsy type at all, but I wouldn't mind just one night of campming. LOL.

Looks like Willow has a green thumb! Hope you get some strawberries from your plant :)

Ana said...

the weekend was STELLAR! I had a blast camping with you... and it really wasn't THAT cold :) LOL!!!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...