Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Christmas Post

I am definitely happy that this years holiday season has not been a repeat of last years!

Christmas did come quickly, it seemed. As did Hannukah (already so long ago gone!).

We had fun this season, and there is more fun to come this long weekend!

I have been a little less depressed this season than the last couple.  It could be because this year has been a rough one and we are only now seeing our way clear to a better New Year...maybe it is because this year HAD to be better than having my gall bladder out and being in the hospital and having a family stomach flu.  Maybe it is because I am a year wiser. (Nah!)

Nonetheless, the bittersweet of the season has not hit me like a wet blanket like it has the last few years.  I miss the people, I realize time seems to go ahead with or without me. I am trying to enjoy the moments and the moments in between.  (I am very zen this Christmas)

I liked this list I recently saw on Facebook for Rules for 2014.  I hope to try to abide by them this coming year.

As for Christmas Eve, Christmas and my Birthday--things went off very well and relaxing.  The kids got what they wanted, I was "surprised" by some gifts for my birthday.  I had a wonderfully funny and thoughtful gift from my son...and it was good.

Now, pies are done and turkey will be put into the oven.


Going out for a Birthday Dinner last night.

Getting ready to hand out presents last night.

New pjs and robe--new toy.

Lennier liked his toy too!

Santa's COMING!

New PJs!

Playing a new game!

Putting magic reindeer food out for the reindeer!

Ready for bed!  (Well, after coming down again for some egg nog to calm the nerves)

Stocking set up.

Looking at the toys Santa brought!

And chocolate!

Michael made sure to set his alarm at 5:30 a.m.


Quietly playing.

Going to a Brunch Sunday with the Uncle Will, Aunt Heather, Lorelei and Kirsten.



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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...