Monday, May 03, 2010

The Plan 2010: April Update

So far the stressful part of my life has been even more prevalent of late (like, say ramped up 1000%). BUT, despite all of the stressfulness, I have kept to some of my goals for the Plan.

I have lost 3 more pounds, and I am continuing exercising in the morning, although not always as LONG as I want to. I have not been as successful in keeping up with the Wii in the evening, although I have still averaged about 2 nights a week. (In fact, tonight, I am intending to do some WiiFiting)

I am making more meals at home and bringing my lunches more to work. I am eating less portions and I am trying to eat more veggies.

I have made some progress on de-cluttering the house, but then we had Willow's Birthday and Birthday party--and more clutter was made!

As usual, in my life, it seems we take 2 steps forward and 4 steps back.

But, I am trying to focus on the good things in life and find the happiness within. And while Willow can be a rampaging toddler and Michael can oftentimes belabor a point to the point of absurdity, I am trying to keep my patience and wits in tact.

Which is interesting when your toddler throws a tantrum for over 2 hours (distractions, obstructions, comforting and logic did not work)--over chocolate (yes, I know--I guess I would too!)

Goals for May:

Get outside more, enjoy the many nature trails around us.

Work out more on the Wii in the evenings; get 40 mins a morning of working out (5 days a week)

Watch the carbs

Appreciate what I have, not the endless list I what needs to be done

Have more fun with less money


MrsSpock said...

3 lbs is great! I have been doing exercise programs on FitTV in order to get my time in, and it is helping. Fitting it all in is so very difficult!

Kristin said...

Congrats on the continued weight loss. You are doing great.

Christy said...

Congrats on taking better care of yourself. Those are some great goals for the month. I might "borrow" a couple of them . . .

Serenity said...

Well done. Keep it up - it's the little changes that will sustain you the longest.

(and OMG can I just tell you I had NO idea that O could scream THAT loudly for THAT long? We had a 2 hour tantrum last night which started at midnight. I have no idea how I kept it together for that long.)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...