Sunday, May 16, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Moment #1: She is swinging. She loves to swing. We are at a park and our friend is pushing the swing. There is a regular swing next to her swing. I take the opportunity to be able to swing next to my daughter. At first, she is surprised. As we swing back and forth, side by side, I watch her face light up. I feel the wind and the movement and I remember being a child--I loved to swing. And I look over and see my young doppleganger. And she is smiling at me.

Moment #2: We go out together to get new clothes for the summer. This is only the second time he has "helped" to shop for his clothes (the first time was for school this year). He is starting to have a style that he likes, different than mine. I let him pick out some shirts that he likes. And then, just as I muse how grown up he is becoming...he asks if I could finish shopping while he goes looking in the toy aisle.

More Perfect Moments Here.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

I think swinging WITH your child sounds delicious.

Truly perfect.

Kir said...

the swinging sounds wonderful, wind in your hair, giggles on the wind...perfect!

shopping with boys, I look forward to it, and the TOY aisle too. :)

(here from PMM..thanks for sharing)

Sandy said...

Lovely post! I took my son to the park this weekend and he went swinging for the first time.

Browniris said...

I just saw that you were my secret pal for April. Thanks!

Kristin said...

I love when they take a little break from being so grown up. It makes my heart melt.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...