Sunday, May 09, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Moment #1: My gift from my husband and daughter - I am upstairs taking a spa bath (complete with facial mask). From downstairs I hear them singing together--Happy Birthday, then the ABC song, then If you Happy and you know it, then another round of the ABC song...giggling and singing drift up to my sanctuary and make me smile and miss them and I hurry my "time to myself" so that I can be with them.

Moment #2: He hops into our bed at 6 a.m. and snuggles in, hugging me tightly. He whispers "Happy Mother's Day" and I tell him he has made this day special for me every year...he was and is the first in my heart. And he then snuggles and falls asleep some more. Later he hurriedly brings up breakfast and a rain stick he made for me...but those gifts are nothing in comparison.

More Perfect Moments Here.


Kristin said...

Oh how wonderful!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I love those early morning cuddles.

I'm glad you had a delightful day.

Andy said...

Those sound like awesome perfect moments!!

Cibele said...

How sweet my friend! Can't wait for the daya that Lyla will be able to say Happy mother's day.

Wishing 4 One said...

Amazing mothers day gifts indeed. Just perfect!

Unknown said...

Love how you shared the singing... from your cozy spot. My sister-in-law told me yesterday that when her kids were little, she always felt bad because what she really wanted for Mother's Day was to be without them for a little while.
You had that .. without but still with.

Life Happens said...

Those are perfect moments!!

kimbosue said...

Love those Mother's Day moments!

MrsSpock said...

Snuggling in bed is one of our all-time favorites too...

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...