Friday, May 28, 2010
Photo Friday: Black & White
This week's theme, black & white, is one of my favorites. I love the textures that come out. And you can tell I love B&W a lot as my header photo is a wonderful print from a recent photo shoot.
Here is an old photo (from 2 years ago) of Michael in his Halloween Costume. I like how the B&W makes it even more creepier. I love how it shows off the texture of the lace.
To find more information about photo Fridays (as well as the code for a sidebar or post graphic) you can go here.
The Wonders in front of me
My son comes out to wish me good bye for the day. Often, he is too busy with breakfast or with watching cartoons to really acknowledge my departure. But sometimes--sometimes he surprises me with the love he has for me, the compassion he can show and the need he has for me still. Looking at him, I see such a handsome young man blossoming. He goes back inside, and waves to me from the kitchen window.
And I am amazed, yet again, at what life can bring to me.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday
And time whirls around me. They play new songs and old songs from both their children-oriented albums and from adult albums too. At certain points confetti is sprayed out into the audience and we are covered in colorful pieces of paper...only fitting as I hear and can see the multiple facets of my life before me.
The children enjoy the son remembering songs from when he was little, enjoys the new songs. Quietly sitting and listening. My daughter jumps about and throws left over confetti while she dances to the music. I dance with her at times and at other times I just watch and listen as my life unfolds before my eyes.
More Perfect Moments Here.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
At Last
The future has finally come. And I am finally washing some of Michael's toddler clothes to use as hand-me-downs for Willow.
Status of Life in the Household
Congo – (Otherwise known as “the Turtle” “the Forgotten One”) – Needs some new food. And wants a cleaned tank—will he get it this weekend? Who knows? (Oh, and those claws need to be trimmed!)
Michael – (Otherwise known as “Michael, Michael…Michael…are you listening? Michael? Michael….”): School is winding down, and summer approaches. But, before school is over this year, the touring of the MIDDLE school has to occur. I just got a notice yesterday about a Parent meeting with the Middle School principal to talk about the transition of the 5th graders to 6th grade. Michael needs to practice his clarinet more and work on his Fantasy World project (a school project based on the class reading of Bridge to Terabitha). Looking forward to summer—he has a Wizards and Warriors Gaming camp that he is going to for July and this weekend we bought him (at the Ren Faire, of course) an elfin cloak and swashbuckler hat (with feather!). Now he just has to start thinking about his character he wishes to play….
Willow – (Otherwise known as “Willow Dillow” “Squishy Girl” “get down from there!” “Oh, Please Child!” “good lord, Willow, did you have to get into that?!!”): She is having issues with wanting things she can’t have. Like being outside ALL THE TIME. Like wearing shoes that cause her blisters. Like having things to eat and drink that only grown ups have. Basically—she is two years old and loving it! Her goals for this summer—swing as much and as many times as she can; discover bugs and put them in things; and to get into EVERYTHING.
Me & Husband – Hanging in there, little bits of sanity leaking out our ears. We are trying to clean up the house a bit (recycling, getting rid of and generally letting go of various things hoarded away), make minor and major-ish repairs, while the chaos is going on all around us. (Oh and work too)
This weekend, husband is being Game Master for a Role Playing game; Saturday I am going to an all day Scrapbooking session…and then Sunday, we are going to go to a TMBG’s concert. So, yeah--we still have good priorities -- having fun despite the chaos!
Good weekend everyone!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Growing Pains
She is demanding. "Go here" "Sit here" "I want that" "Milk!" "Juice!" "Shoes!" Sometimes please and thank you are used. Most times she has to be reminded. She got her first blisters on her heels yesterday. Shoes that do not quite fit yet, but soon will. Outfits from last summer--one is definitely too small; the other, the shorts fall off of her. Her hair is becoming a style of sorts. Sometimes it is up, other times (because I don't know how to fix up little girl's hair) it is down. She is becoming mischevious and knowing. She is jumping off the bottom stairs, but trips and sometimes waddles again on smooth ground. One of her baby dolls is smeared with toothpaste, the many applications and attempts shown on this poor doll's eyes and mouth. Sometimes I find myself thinking she is older than she is--her eyes and her thoughts open to me. Sometimes I remember that she doesn't know what she knows, and neither do I. She sings ABCs and knows the color blue. And she has discovered bugs. She gets frustrated and throws tantrums and I wonder when it will end--and then I bemoan that fact that this is only a phase, and soon enough she will be out of it and onto new stages...she is on the edge of a whole world opening up to her.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday
Moment #2: We go out together to get new clothes for the summer. This is only the second time he has "helped" to shop for his clothes (the first time was for school this year). He is starting to have a style that he likes, different than mine. I let him pick out some shirts that he likes. And then, just as I muse how grown up he is becoming...he asks if I could finish shopping while he goes looking in the toy aisle.
More Perfect Moments Here.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Random Blurry Photos
So, here are some blurry photos!
After going to see Ir.onM.an2, Michael went upstairs for a long time (we decided to watch the first movie again--which is on in background there...). He came down with a makeshift IM costume.
The mask is part of a Darth Vader mask, the torso is a his torso guard from his sparing gear, the yellow "heart/energy thingee" is a sparing toy I got him years ago (its like laser tag with fist straps)
This was a few weeks ago--Michael looking around Ca.fe. He used to go there as a small child and it was so interesting to see him re-looking at stuff...(of course, its really dark there!)
Willow's favoritest outfit right now. A friend got it for her for her B-day. (its the outfit sans the onesie underneath). She wore it to bed the other night. Dad mistakenly did not put it into the hamper the next morning, so in the evening she found it again and insisted on wearing it! (I was able to pry her out of it by bedtime)
Throwing rocks into a pond.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday
Moment #2: He hops into our bed at 6 a.m. and snuggles in, hugging me tightly. He whispers "Happy Mother's Day" and I tell him he has made this day special for me every year...he was and is the first in my heart. And he then snuggles and falls asleep some more. Later he hurriedly brings up breakfast and a rain stick he made for me...but those gifts are nothing in comparison.
More Perfect Moments Here.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Listening and Thinking
"I don't believe in an afterlife. I don't believe in a single or multiple godhead. I respect people who do, but I don't believe it myself. But there's a big 'but' which enters in here. I am much more conscious than I ever was — for obvious reasons — on what it will mean to people left behind once I'm dead. It won't mean anything for me. But it will mean a lot to them. It's important to them — by which I mean my children or my wife or my very close friends — that some spirit of me is in a positive way present in their lives, in their heads, in their imaginations and so on. So [in] one curious way I've come to believe in the afterlife — as a place where I still have moral responsibilities, just as I do in this life — except that I can only exercise them before I get there. Once I get there, it will be too late. So, no God. No organized religion. But a developing sense that there's something bigger than the world we live in, including after we die, and we have responsibilities in that world." - Tony Judt, from a Fresh Air interview (Judt is a historian who is suffering from ALS--he was talking through a respirator and amplifier)
"I believe that when we permit ourselves to fear, we negate the chance we are each given to contribute through the unique patterns of our respective lives to the meaning and validity of all life. I believe that in merely being alive we have a tremendous responsibility, and that the responsibility is not only to our separate selves but to one another.
I believe it is in fear that we commit the crimes of intolerance and prejudice and what seems to me to be perhaps the saddest, most grave crime of all, our resistance to change. Afraid, we fail to see that the change is the natural and good fruit of knowledge and growth. We cling to the familiar because it is familiar and seems, therefore, to be secure. We butcher the unfamiliar and slaughter justice with the same stroke. Frightened, we seek love only for ourselves and forget to search for love in ourselves." - Phyllis Kirk, from the original This I Believe series (click to read/hear)
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Her biggest problem was that sometimes she did not throw hard enough, so the ball SLOWLY went down the lane...and sometimes just stopped. A few times Michael needed to walk down the lane to get the ball, sometimes I threw another ball to hit it like billards.
It had been about a year since we did "real" bowling (Wii Bowling--I kick ass!). It was fun and I will have to remember to take them more often!
Monday, May 03, 2010
The Plan 2010: April Update
I have lost 3 more pounds, and I am continuing exercising in the morning, although not always as LONG as I want to. I have not been as successful in keeping up with the Wii in the evening, although I have still averaged about 2 nights a week. (In fact, tonight, I am intending to do some WiiFiting)
I am making more meals at home and bringing my lunches more to work. I am eating less portions and I am trying to eat more veggies.
I have made some progress on de-cluttering the house, but then we had Willow's Birthday and Birthday party--and more clutter was made!
As usual, in my life, it seems we take 2 steps forward and 4 steps back.
But, I am trying to focus on the good things in life and find the happiness within. And while Willow can be a rampaging toddler and Michael can oftentimes belabor a point to the point of absurdity, I am trying to keep my patience and wits in tact.
Which is interesting when your toddler throws a tantrum for over 2 hours (distractions, obstructions, comforting and logic did not work)--over chocolate (yes, I know--I guess I would too!)
Goals for May:
Get outside more, enjoy the many nature trails around us.
Work out more on the Wii in the evenings; get 40 mins a morning of working out (5 days a week)
Watch the carbs
Appreciate what I have, not the endless list I what needs to be done
Have more fun with less money
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday
"Oh Willow, you are the most important person in the whole world to me!" as he hugs her and then she bounds away.
Perfect Moment #2: We are walking along a nature trail and she points out all the dogs (with owners) walking by. Then a HORSE and rider come by. She shys away, backing up towards me--but she is fascinated. I am fascinated at how she perceives and looks at the world all around her.
More Perfect Moments Here.
Staring the New Year off...with an OW!
Willow slipped and fell on a patch of ice yesterday--today, x-rays show no breaks--but bad sprain! Time for the BOOT! In this family, we a...
This month's book was one that I really was not sure about. I had actually read parts of it before because my son had to read it for sc...
Willow has taken to Santa Claus this year. She has realized who he is, what he looks like and I think she is understanding that he is going...
I have decided to participate in SMYT from fellow Braces Buncher (un)complicate me (click on the link to join in the fun). This also doubl...