Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trying To Find My Fall...

On Monday I was at the beach with my friend. And I got a sunburn (the first of summer!) Hanging on as tight as I can to summer...

Which is so unlike me. Usually I love to embrace autumn. It is one of my favorite times of year. I love the fall colors, I love grabbing a sweater and sweatshirt, love playing in the leaves.

For some reason, I have not gotten my head around fall yet. Perhaps it is because I have been laid off since the start of summer. I have definitely made this summer count and I have had a great time doing it. Maybe it was because this summer in New England was pretty much perfect (well, aside from the tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes). I spent some wonderful times with my children--and I think I found time to enjoy those things people talk about doing in the summer, but don't always find the time to do.

Perhaps it is specifically because of that that I am having a hard time in letting summer go. I think that when I first became an adult, summer was bittersweet--because I realized that as an adult (unless you are lucky to be a teacher or some other profession that has summer's off) I still had to work...and looking out at the perfectly blue sky while in an office--not so fun. But with my time with the children, we had the time to enjoy those blue skies.

I might also be a bit bitter that there are already Halloween displays out. I love Halloween, but it comes at the end of the fall. And I want to have the fall...I want those changes to come slowly.

I guess I need to see those leaves have that slight chill in the air--the remind me that there is so much of the season that I do indeed enjoy...


OOookaay, Autumn...come on in!



Cibele said...

I grew up in Brazil where it is summer all year long. After 10 years here I have fallen in love with the change of seasons. Fall is my favorite for sure but I feel that summer when by so fast , I also want more of it!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

There is something so care free about summer time. A more relaxed schedule, spontaneous trips to places, popsicles and ice cream whenever you want.

As much as I love fall, it is sometimes sad to see the care free days of summer end.

Hope your job search goes well.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...