Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Small Things

Playing "this little piggy" with her and remembering when her piggies were so small. Then she comes up with a variation on her hands; and I come up with a variation using both feet and both hands.

Listening to a CD with her that was his favorite from when he was her age. Bittersweet in the fact that I can play it again to a new audience while he is upstairs playing with his friend, blaring Weird Al.

While we are doing errands in the car, she wants to hear "Werewolves of London" which is on daddy's music player. Then he says, well, we don't have it right now, but we can sing it. She starts going "whooooo whoooo, Werewolves of London" and soon the whole car is out of tune and singing "whooooo! Werewolves of London".

He is upstairs with his friend, I am amusing her so that she doesn't bother them. I go to check on them--and find that they were playing a Le.go battle with Bio.nic.als and throwing them at each other. His room is in a mess...but is so wonderful to see him playing with toys with a friend. Because I know this stage is fading, fading away.

I take him to a Chinese buffet on this last day before school starts. At first he says that he is not too hungry. Three plates later, he has filled himself--but has room for jello. I think of toasting him -- happy 7th Grade -- but my small cup of tea and my timing is inadequate.


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...