Thursday, September 29, 2011

Long Distance Week

This week has been pretty disjointed, with Chewy seven hours ahead of us and communication spotty at best (having to use IM and Facebook as main communication).

Between a sleep over, Buffy marathons, doctor's appointments, dropping offs and pick ups, visits to the new playground, homework, on demand Disney movies, going out to lunch with friends/family, and counting seven hours ahead to figure out where Chewy would be in his day...its been pretty hectic here.

Playing at the New Playground near our house. (It was an old playground--totally new equipment has been put in now.)

Other things I have done this week -- bought some of the new DC comics, got the kids haircuts, did some bills, applied to some jobs, picked up some library books, painted some of the upstairs bathroom, did a phone interview---

and tomorrow, a job interview and another phone interview.

Not surprisingly, I have not had much down time. I had had thoughts that I would be catching up on some reading, some internet surfing and some movies. Not so much...but I have gotten some Judging Amy episodes in.

Chewy comes home on Saturday.

While kids and I will be at the Museum of Science.


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...