Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1st Birthday Party

Low key affair, plenty of mexican food...lots of ripping of gift wrap. Lots of giggles. Willow had a great time, and we got to have our friends and family over. We had a great time with Ana (the creator of the wonderful cake) and her dog Ryka--Ryka and Willow just LOVED each other (Gabrielle did not like Ryka--she went into hiding).

Willow got many wonderful gifts and many cool items to put into her time capsule. Here's some pictures (most of them taken by big brother Michael):

Michael got Willow Spongebob bath toys. The package in her hands is from Ana. (That's my foot).

My brother's feet; Ryka and Willow hanging out.

Opening a gift--Ana's cell phone...

Michael showing Willow how to use her baby laptop (given by Mom & Dad)

Cake time! (The monkey's ear got hurt on transit).

Willow liked chocolate cake!

Playing with Ana after a change of clothes. (Outfit a gift from Ana)


AwkwardMoments said...

What fun! I love the cake

Artblog said...

Happy birthday Willow, thoroughly spoil, she must have loved it :)

Cibele said...

Yay for a wonderful bday party! what a great big brother you have Willow.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

What a great time! I love that last picture.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

She is so cute! I love all the explanations of extraneous adult body parts. The picture of Willow getting tickled is so precious.

KimboSue said...

looks like tons of fun! I can't believe she's one year already!

Christy said...

What a cute cake! I love the picture of both kids with the baby laptop. Andrew has the same laptop and just has so much fun with it. I hope Willow does too.

MrsSpock said...

OMG. That cake it FABULOUS!

JJ said...

I LOVE that cake!

Cant believe she is a year...and what a cool idea you had for the time capsule. I know she will love that one day...

Happy 1st sweet Willow!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...