Friday, April 10, 2009

Things are...complicated

2009 has so far pretty much sucked eggs. Can't go into too many details, but aside from me being laid off and unemployed, my husband is having problems at his work--and there is a possibility that he could get laid off too. Oh, and the stress of that situation, my situation and daily life in general has just made it even more difficult for me to eat right and exercise and get rid of this damn weight already(!!) I just feel like we never catch a break. Or, more acurately, we get breaks, we seem to get ahead in the world--and then WHAM! we get sucker punched with something else happening in our lives. I am just so tired of the MOVING800MILESAWAY-DEPRESSION-BABYBLUES-ADHD-SECONDARYINFERTILITY-PPD-NEWBORN-LAIDOFF-ECONOMYSUCKS rollercoaster.

Ugh. I need chocolate.


AwkwardMoments said...

some on the way!

Valerie said...

I'm sorry.

Serenity said...


Cibele said...


Caro said...

I know what you mean.
*Hugs and chocolate*

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Sorry, I hope things look up really quickly for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Aww Delenn HUGS :( xxxxxxxxxx

KimboSue said...

UGH! Hugs to you - send me your address and chocolate will be en route!

Somewhat Ordinary said...

I'm thinking of you! I feel exactly like you do - catch a break and then get punched in the gut 10 times harder!

Kate said...

Just catching up. I'm sorry. YOU really have had a lot thrown at you in the last year. I really hope things get better soon...

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...