Saturday, May 02, 2009

Show & Tell # 34 - More 1st B-Day Pictures

Here is what happened to Willow's cake from last Show & Tell:

My friend Ana also took photos at the party last week, and she posted them on facebook (where I stole them). It is always good to have a friend help in documenting those special times. I often do not have my camera/video camera handy--and sometimes that is on purpose as I want to be a PART of the event rather than documenting it. So, I am always glad for an extra hand or two in that department. Thanks Ana!

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Candice said...

She is an angel! Looks like she enjoyed the cake!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Happy Birthday Willow!

I hope there's still some cake left over for everyone else.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That is so great to have extra hands during a party. Adorable pics!

Anonymous said...

She's too cute with her messy face! And yes, getting photography assistance is a MUST have at times like this. If not, I find I'm not in any of our pictures!! said...

Ana did a nice are lucky to have a friend like her....Willow looks so sweet...and the cake on her face...yummier!

Anonymous said...

I never have a camera. My MIL does all the photography.

Anonymous said...

I luuuuuv cake-eating pictures! And ditto on the "getting someone else to photograph the event" thing. I recently served as birthday party photographer for my nieces' birthday party and enjoyed having a task and feeling like I was actually helping. :)

Cara said...

Ahhh - the first devouring of cake is the BEST!

Ours was a mini dora head...ummm - it was gone in minutes.

Life in Eden said...

Happy (belated) Birthday Willow!

She is super cute! Hope you guys had a great time!

Billy said...

He is so deliciously cute!

Liv said...

Yummy! You know I have a very similar picture where I am wearing a poka dotted dress and have chocolate birthday cake completely smothered and messy all over my face...except it was my 30th birthday. lol.

I hear ya about the picture taking. Which is why I always try to help out my friends by taking lots of pics for them!

Kristin said...

What a gorgeous little girl. She looks like she is enjoying it.

AwkwardMoments said...

Yummy Cake! Precious Face

Beautiful Mess said...

She looked like she was having a blast digging into that cake! She is so precious, thank you for sharing!

Christy said...

Happy Birthday beautiful baby girl!

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