Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Moments...

This is a weird week for me. Someone at my old job is on vacation, and they asked if I wanted to fill in. So like a Ghost, I am here at work, but not “really” here at work.

Random thoughts/moments….

At my desk, on the floor I see it. The bracelet my son made at camp last year. Blue and yellow beads on a string. Barely fits my wrist, I had put it on a corner of a photo last year. It made me think of him. And I realize that I had accidentally left it behind. Thought—Hmmm…they don’t clean up around here that often, eh? Other thought—my son is with me right now and always.

Coming home from work yesterday. Just surreal to be doing this again. But it’s not real. Next week, unemployment again. My “new normals” keep changing on me. I don’t like it. I want my life to be “normal” again.

This morning. Listening in on the baby monitor. My son had brought my daughter into his room. And was telling her all about the Force and how it works (that it can be used for good and that it can be used for bad; that it could have electrical aspects; that people can use the Force to push opponents away). She would babble her assent. We laid in bed and listened, not wanting to disturb this first real moment of sibling-ness.


Somewhat Ordinary said...

Wow, that brought some tears! What a sweet moment to overhear. This makes me long to be able to give my son a sibling one day.

Valerie said...

What a sweet moment.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That is so adorable, i love to overhear my boys chat.
Thanks for sharing, wishing you a New Normal really soon.

AwkwardMoments said...

Oh I love this moment!

Cibele said...

Precious, thanks for sharing. what a good big brother Willow has

Kim said...

Too freakin' adorable! Here form the Lushary. I hope you find a new permanent position soon. I am in a similar situation and the uncertainty is killing me. Hug and an extra drink for you!

Serenity said...

Ubelievable, I can only imagine what being back at work is like. For a week.

And the moment overheard on the monitor was just too sweet.

docgrumbles said...

that is awesome! i love that the force is what he chose to educate her about!

MrsSpock said...

LOL...May the force be with you...

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...