Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wheee! I have a camera on my phone now!!

Yes, I am behind the times. I FINALLY upgraded my phone (I had to wait since I ungraciously HAD to give husband MY upgrade option so he could get a G1). So, I am only 2 upgrades behind everyone else....I have a phone with a camera!! WHeeee!!

First pictures I have taken with new phone:

Michael at the New Hampshire Ren Faire this weekend. He wanted me to buy this...ummm..No.

Willow at the Faire, clapping at a guitarist. It turned cold, she was the only one with a coat.

Willow at Willow's Bookstore...grabbing every stuffed animal she can. I bought her one of the two bunnies she is holding there.


Valerie said...

Sweet pictures.

AwkwardMoments said...

YAH! welcome to the new technology. I am also about 2 upgrade behind. I just can't find a phone i like that I can afford

Cibele said...

I am also behind! ovely pics

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Congratulations on the phone--and the camera in the phone. I still have yet to figure out how to use mine, though I doubt it takes pictures that nice.

Cajun Cutie said...

cuteness! The husband and I are going to the Ga ren fair soon (part of his bday present) and he would very much like to buy a sword. I am with you (ummm no).

Kristin said...

Love the pics. I just want a cellphone of any type...LOL.

PS...I tagged you on my blog

MrsSpock said...

Why am I not surprised you guys are Rennies? I have quite a few friends that have been part of the Ohio Faire for years...Mr S and I both have garb...

docgrumbles said...

I still don't have a camera on my phone, or a Blackberry, or GPS... heck, I am lucky I get phonecalls on it!

Anonymous said...

Love camera phones! Love cameras full stop :)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...