Saturday, December 27, 2008

Show & Tell #22

I am a rabid reader, so I really enjoy getting books for the holidays (okay, I think all of these are for my birthday). Click on the images to learn more about them.

The first one is timely:

So far, this book definately has my sense of humor and gore.

Another book that I am starting to enjoy:

I have often found myself reading mainly non-fiction, so when I hear about a fiction book on NPR, I usually make a note of it--or more likely put it on my wishlist--where my Braces Bunch Secret Santa found it.

The last book I received hit more on my non-fiction list:

I also got to do some bargin shopping with a gift certificate for Amazon (I love to see how many books I can get on a gift certificate).

So, did you get any good books this holiday season?

Show and Tell


momofonefornow said...

I have a sony-e-reader. I got a g/c for that and so far I have purchased deceptively delicious (dh and bean practically refuse all veggies) and Bridget Jones' Diary. I have nearly $30.00 more to spend. It is so hard to choose.

areyoukiddingme said...

Christopher Moore writes THE MOST HILARIOUS books that I've read in a long time. You should definitely pick up more of his stuff. If you liked The Stupidest Angel ( Christmas book ever, in my opinion), you will most likely love A Dirty Job, Lamb, and You Suck: A Love Story. They are all very funny and completely irreverent. Enjoy your new finds! said...

Hello...Well, I haven't had my hands on any of the books you have talked about. I will see is I can find these titles. I also love reading books and am currently reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Didn't receive any presents at all -- holiday presents were canceled by mutual decision all around! I do have one book on the way for the next Barren Bitches Book Brigade.

Hope you enjoy all of them!

We have Angel Wings said...

I love to read. Sounds like you have some good books to read, I'm going to have to check them out.

Thanks for sharing. :)

AnotherDreamer said...

Hmmm... I will look into those.

*T* said...

My Christmas book stack was hefty which will make for a wonderful vacation! I will make note of those books as I am always looking for my next good read. Enjoy!

Kristin said...

I just checked out The Stupidest Angel from the library...can't wait to read it.

Cara said...

Nope - but I did just finish Glenn Beck's The Christmas Sweater. Nice story for this time of year. Based in fact, adapted to a novel.

JuliaS said...

Ugh - I got a paperback Mary Higgins Clark from my mom and that was it in the books arena. Though, I did get a couple nice calenders, umm, did I say nice?

Anywho - just the title on the Stupidest Angel already has me hooked!

Happy reading!

MrsSpock said...

Hmmm..these all look good.I just read "The Memory Keeper's Daughter". Now I'm reading "Home In Holly Springs". It's a continuation of the Mitford Series of books that I absolutely loved.

Jessica White said...

The only book I got for Christmas was the one from you, and boy am I glad I got that! I think this is a record...only 1 book for Christmas!

I love taking an GC and seeing how many used books I can get!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...