Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Tuesday--Election Day - Will Update

Rough nights sleep, Willow has lately been not going to bed early enough...today, I work from home--I pride myself on being the one who can keep her going for Virtual Academy (i.e. remote 7th grade).  As usual, I spent a good portion of the beginning of my day getting Willow up for school.  She.is.not.a.morning.person.

I have never before known someone who is so HARD to get up!  So...my pride in accomplishing this major feat every school morning since mid-September is justifiably huge.

So, got her up and downstairs for her Homeroom/Attendance at 8 a.m.  I finished my morning exercise routine and came down to Chewy working with his headphones, Willow with her headphones.  All.Normal.

On days I work from home, I make Willow a nice breakfast (because normally, she has to kinda grab and go, because--well, because she cannot get up any earlier).  So, I was making her some poached eggs, when the trouble started.  

She couldn't get into her first class of the day--Science.  The link wasn't working.  Nope, not working.  We have internet.  She is clicking the right link.  Did she check her email (perhaps a new link was sent?)--yep, no email.  Dad is kinda busy with, you know, work....so, mom--mom looks at it and says "okay, why don't you email your teacher to ask her what is going on..."

She does.  We move on--time for next class.  AND THE LINK DOESN"T WORK......

I have her come over to my computer to check it out (perhaps its her Chromebook)....and that.  That is when I realize....

It's Tuesday and Election Day.  AND SHE HAS NO SCHOOL TODAY.

Yep.  So, there is the start of my day.  Let's see how it goes....

*** She is at the moment upstairs...probably sleeping***




Lately, because of Covid Follies, I have gotten into virtual tours of all kinds (museums, zoos, you know, places I would actually GO to if it was normal times).  I found this one site that combines history with my sense of the macabre, Mysterious Chicago.  I like the guy who runs it, he has written several books, and he does all sorts of grave tours, etc.  This morning I was just checking FB out and there he was doing a Find A Grave tour--and it was a welcome distraction from everything.

Now...back to work.  Sigh.  (BTW, she still is upstairs in her room--either on her Chromebook or asleep--I am guessing asleep---yeah, yeah, I will check up on her in a little bit....)  Oh, and Michael has made an appearance and wants lunch from Subway (his go-to place lately)....



Well, its been a wild ride so far, and we are not done yet.  Expecting this to be dragged out for a while, but glad at least my old home state of Michigan went for Biden.  Needing to practice some self-care for a few days, I think. 

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...