Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Where I Stand

Once upon a time, there was a two party system.  Both parties had good and bad people, as humans are, and both parties tried to help their country the best they could based upon their philosophies.  Some people liked the one party who pronounced it was for "everyone", but often was pretty elitist and privileged anyways, sometimes naively so, but their heart was in the right place (mostly).  The other party wanted things to be fair.  Sometimes fair means that its unfair to some people and fair only to a few.  But the other party felt they knew best too--and they were privileged and thought they were doing the right thing.  

Sometimes they had good leaders who saw that the best way to get along was to take a little bit of advice from each party.  Sometimes that worked and made the country stronger.  Sometimes there were times when even the under privileged and oppressed benefited from this leadership.  Sometimes it almost felt like progress was being made.  And sometimes it was.

But.  Some people do not like change.  It hurts them and they don't want to be hurt.  It challenges them in ways that make them scared.  Not understanding what the change means to others, because they cannot understand the others involved.  Sometimes when people are scared, they lash out with anger and ignorance.  And sometimes--leaders take advantage of that.


Right now, we are in a time where leadership in certain places has decided that change is wrong.  That people should stay down and in their place.  Ignorance and fear and bile are their words and their words are shared with people who are good people basically, but because of fear and rage they believe these people.

I wish this was not happening.  But it is.


I believe that change is important in life.  I believe that I do not understand everything, but I am willing to learn.  I believe that everyone has a right to things in life that give them a purpose and make the country as a whole a wonderful place to be.  That means that EVERYONE is welcome to help make this country great.  

I am a white woman.  I do not understand what my fellow countrymen and women go through, but I do know that it is unfair and inhuman.  That we should treat our fellow human beings the way we want to be treated.  With respect and kindness.

I have been naïve sometimes to think that people are better than they are.  I have also been naïve to think that people cannot change.  Both things are true.

I hope that the past four years have taught us something about the hate and bile that is underpinning our great country.  and that we can then find a way out of this and to a better place.

I know I am willing to work for it.

Are you?

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