Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Holidays Episode

Okay. so inevitably the year is drawing to a close and we are reaching the "Holiday Season" which, of course, leads to that bittersweet feeling and sometimes stress mixed in with the happiness.  

I finished most of the presents on my excel spreadsheet (yes, I have a spreadsheet with people listed and each year and what I get them each year...what?...I am a nerd!).  With the kids being older, and last year being a big spending year (we got Michael a laptop and Willow a chromebook amongst other things) this year, being 2020, as well as being...well, 2020...things are going to be a little more frugal this year.  Kinda not feeling the Holiday Spirit quite yet--but we did put up the decorations and the tree...and its looking more like Christmas/Hanukkah around here....

Thanksgiving was actually quite "normal" for us, as we usually just spend it with the four (or five) of us.  In years past, we have been invited to other people's houses, and we have went out to eat at fancy restaurants...but this year was more of our "usual".  The only unusual part was not really using the kitchen table--because it is really our Covid Working from home work stations. So...we did move things around and put just the food on the table.  (This was after a small melt down from Michael who really sticks with traditions and hates change).  

We mitigated the tension by having everyone make a Hand Turkey...
Willow's Hand Turkey (she is left handed)

Michael's Hand Turkey (very precise)

My hand Turkey - I did it quickly, as it was the first one.

Chewy's Hand Turkey - which he also made as a snail.

We bought a heat and go Turkey Dinner from Shaw's.  It had a big turkey with all the fixings.  John came over for Thanksgiving.  He carved the Turkey.

Last night, we made Grammie's Chocolate Fudge...

Decorating the tree today...

Kif playing with a decoration.

Willow hamming it up...John doing his thing with the lights.

A rare photo of both kids together!  

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...