Friday, November 06, 2020

But, I was being Honest!

Willow is sitting across from me and she has a counseling session with school counselor (every Thursday).  In the middle of the session, her counselor asks how is her participation going in classes:

Willow: "Well, my microphone doesn't work, but I use the chat.  Although sometimes the teacher turns off chat!  I don't know why!​  Like, this one time, we were watching a thing about Buddah and I used the chat to say that the actor playing Buddah looked High. (pause, then giggle) Well, I was just being honest, and a few kids agreed with me and then we were talking about what type of things he would be smoking to be high, and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, the teacher made it so the chat function did not work!  I mean, I was just being honest!"


[I am sitting across, and I face palm--A LOT]  (we, of course, then had a discussion about appropriateness....)  Sigh.


I hope that made ya laugh!  (Sometimes, that's all we can do!)

1 comment:

Tasting Tiffany said...

Great reading yoour blog post

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...