Saturday, February 04, 2012

Bringing me Back...

Went to see Hugo today. It was a strange experience in a lot of ways.  Co-incidence is part of the theme in this movie based on the book.

Coincidentally, I had looked at that book a while ago, trying to find a book for my son to read for his school's reading program.  I passed up on it because it was a graphic novel, and would not have within the requirements for the reading program.  I thought upon it and put it in the back of my head as something that would be interesting to read or have him read at some point.

I made no connection at first with the new Sc.orsese film, partially because I have kind of gotten tired of his films lately.  During the holidays I really did not notice it, only in passing.

Finally, made a connection to it this past weekend after watching a news program that talked about it and automatons.  

We all wanted to go.  We decided because we were going to be taking Willow along and she doesn't do so well at 3D pictures, we were going to the 2D and going to a dining theater.

And then Chewy got sick.  So, he stayed home with Willow.

My son and I went (my one regret is that by the time we realized it was just us--it was too late to go to the 3D showing).

My son, who is about the same age I was when I became transfixed by film.  When I was 11-12 years old--all I wanted to do was to learn all about films and film making.   Science fiction and fantasy with films.  Here I was with my almost 13 year old son, watching a movie about early films and film-making.  About fantasy and automatons.  About making dreams.

It was a bit surreal.  

I wondered what the old/young me would think about this future/old me.  I know I could have little imagined the amazing child I was sharing this experience with.  And I know that the present me has little idea what goes on in his mind.  What dreams he has.  What his future self will be.

But I am looking forward to finding out.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful story! Exactly what Scorcese had in mind when he made the film, I daresay.

I was completely blown away by Hugo. I knew nothing of the book, knew nothing of the connection to early filmmaking. I absolutely loved it, as did my little filmmaker son.

I hope Marty makes MORE movies geared to kids!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...