Sunday, March 13, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. For more Perfect Moments, go HERE

Moment #1: She is so small and bright and delicate and different. Holding her is not like I remember. I am not a baby person at all, uncomfortable with others children versus my own. But she smiles at me and coos. And I look upon the perfection that is my niece.

Later, I hold her sister. She is crying and doing what a typical three month old does. I am being helpful, so I think, by holding her while her mother gets something to eat. However, all the tricks that work that I know of to stop her crying seem not to work. I take her up to my daughter's room and rock her. As I nestle in to the rocker and try to calm her, I have a brief flashback to my daughter being this age. And I sigh and realize how quickly time passes by. And then I realize that maybe the screaming in my ear means that its time to give up and bring this one to her mother (which works like a charm). Giving back the past, to face my future who then hugs me and sits on my leg, making it wet because she has wet through her pull up...[sigh]

Moment #2: She hugs me on a whim. She tells me she loves me in the middle of conversations. She constantly asks me to play with her (which started to really annoy me this that she is in bed I kinda miss her constant at-my-elbowness). She told me a story of her own making that had a beginning, middle and end. All weekend she has shown me how much she is growing and changing. All weekend I have known how much she loves me. All weekend I have been proud of her. And I regret the temper and anxiety that I have had most of this weekend to not fully appreciate all this...but I recognized it now and hope to appreciate it more from now on.

Moment #3: He uses our special phrase for his feelings tonight--he is having the "Sunday Blahs". Not depressed, just kinda down and not wanting the day to end. So after his sister is to bed, even though I would rather have some "me" time, I tell him he can stay up with me and we can play a game or watch television together. He at first expresses the game option, but then goes with the television one. He picks a DVD and we watch, he and I under a blanket on the couch.



Lori Lavender Luz said...

So sorry to laugh about the overflowing pull-up :-).

Love this: "All weekend I have known how much she loves me."

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Those are all such perfect moments. So glad you and Michael had some special time to fight off the Sunday blahs!

Sheri said...

I love your description of all of these perfect moments.

I love the way you describe "giving back the past, to face my future..." and your comment about how quickly it goes.

Over the weekend, I got to hold one of my friend's newborns (4-days old). So tiny.

Then I returned home to my three teenagers, whose feet are as big as the newborn. Time flies...

Visiting from PMM. Thanks for sharing your Perfect Moment!

Kristin said...

I am always so impressed with the moments you notice and value.

Dora said...

Lovely. Mine is only 15 months, but already I feel like time is going too quickly.

Oh, and my little co-sleeper peed through her overnight diaper this morning right beside me in bed.

Jamie said...

Such perfect moments. And to have three of them! What a blessing.

Cibele said...

My friend I can feel the love in everuthing that you write.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...