Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Plan 2011 - January Update

I blame the snow.

Pretty much all plans were changed or cancelled, postponed or otherwise ripped to itty bitty shreds (kinda like snowflakes).

That being said, I did not totally lose hope--lost sleep and time, but not hope.

In the Health/Well-being department:

Well, I kept my morning exercise routine fine, and even diversified. However, we had trouble trying to get Willow down for bed at a decent time until recently. And my husband has been working insane hours. So, that night time Wii workout--kinda tangled up like the cords behind my television. However, I did lose 5 more pounds. To gain 2 back after being stuck at home with snow and eating comfort food...so, a net loss is a good thing, so we will say "Yay!" for that goal!

"Try to tone down the stress eating--find other outlets for getting rid of stress" HA, I say HA to this goal. Maybe this month!

In the Family Life Department:

"Ultimate goal is to spend more time with family; family work as team"

Well, nothing like snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm to pull the family together. And all and all I have been able to spend more quality time with each child. I am winning more battles than I am losing with Willow, who is a strong willed child. (P.S. Willow--um, just cuz you say "please" 5 bajillion times doesn't mean that that I can magically make gum/candy/juice boxes appear--if we are out, we are out...) More chores and responsibilities have been implemented with pretty decent success and I am feeling pretty good about this goal too.

Still working on the damned swearing...

In general, January was a hard month. Husband is working lots of hours and we have had lots of snow days. But, I am looking forward to this month with my son's birthday and with Total Con. And hopefully the snow will stop soon. (I'm tired of living in a world of snowforts)



Anonymous said...

Oh the PLAN!

Sounds like you did well considering SnowFest 2011!

MrsSpock said...

Even a net loss of 3 lbs is better than a gain!

I am eating out more than I want, but sticking to my cash budget. I've gained 5 lbs more than I expected- but the doc and I both know it's fluid. My legs are ginormous.

Wearing Weary

"There is no normal life that is free of pain.  It's the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.&q...