Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gaming Migration....

It's Total Con time again!!

My chart is ready, laundry is done...packing started this morning. Today is my last workday for the week. And then Friday morning we are going to the hotel. Hubs gets first strike on games at 1 p.m. on Friday...looks like I will be setting up the hotel room with the kids. Then, Michael and I will be having our respective games in the evening (mine is scheduled to last until 1 a.m. or later--hence why its good to be at the hotel that the convention is being held!)

It is always interesting to do this convention each year. We meet up with old friends and aquaintences...people we see once or twice a year, people we see more than that. There are familar faces that I never quite know their names, but I know them and we quickly nod at each other as we go about the convention. Our children are known there. Michael is known both for his wonderful imagination and wit and for his tantrums and eccentricities (which are not that different from a lot of the other gamers--yeah, ADHD and OCD are waaaaaaay represented at the convention). Willow has grown up at the convention--people are always commenting on how she has changed since last they saw her.

Being at the convention feels warm and inviting. And while there is competition (don't even mess with the guys and their train games--I am just sayin'!), most of the time you just feel like you are a part of something and everyone is just enjoying being there and being geeky.

We need this away time this year. We need the distraction. And I am looking forward to it.



Sarah said...

Hope you all have a blast! It's always great to get back together with a group of people who all enjoy the same thing. Good luck :)

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Yay for the gaming weekend! I hope you guys have a fantastic time!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...