Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Show & Tell # 61 - Of Sock Puppets and Men...

Already posted this yesterday, but it really is the epitome of Show and Tell...

Michael had to do a biography project for school. He had to do a book report and an oral report--with a PUPPET. Yep. A puppet of the person. Since he is interested in being a scientist, he picked Albert Einstein.

And this weekend, we made not one, but TWO sock puppets of Albert Einstein.

We used an old pair of dad's socks, and these materials:

One of the things they were graded on was if the puppet looked like the famous person. We lucked out, because Einstein is basically the hair and the mustache.

The reason for two Einsteins, to explain his theory of relativity which tells us that the faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time.

(His twin paradox says: "Consider a pair of brothers, identical twins. One gets a job as an astronaut and rockets into deep space. The other stays on Earth. When the traveling twin returns home, he discovers he's younger than his brother.")

So, the two puppets helped to represent this theory during the oral report. These are the puppets drying.

I was going to take pictures today of Michael with the puppets, but he had to hand them in. Grade on the whole project: 96%

Good job, Michael!

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Anonymous said...

How cool is that! I love that he picked Einstein, and the puppets turned out great. Great job!

Amanda said...

The puppets turned out WONDERFULLY! What a great idea!

So they'll give the puppets back with his grade?

kimbosue said...

YAY Michael! What a cool project.

Kristin said...

OMG, those are so awesome! I love the puppets and I imagine he did a great job explaining the whole thing.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Those are AWESOME!

Quiet Dreams said...

I wouldn't even know where to start with a sock puppet of Albert Einstein. They look fantastic.

Bionic Baby Mama said...

That. Is. Awesome.

my nerdy self is very impressed.

Tanya said...

cool nerds rule! great idea.

Baby On Mind said...

Cute puppets. Great job!

areyoukiddingme said...

Great puppets and great score! Way to go, Michael!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

"the faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time."

I'd never heard it explained that way!

What a great way to illustrate the concept. The puppets turned out really well!

Malky B. said...

Great job on the puppets!

Jenna said...

What awesome looking sock puppets. I giggled at the first picture with the sock and all the hair. So looks like Einstein!

Rebekah said...

Love the puppets - what a cute idea! Thank you for coming over and checking me out on Heart Cries! :)

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

That looks just like Einstein!

..Soo.See.. said...

Wow! How neat!! WTG Michael!

MrsSpock said...

Those def look like Einstein.

And kudos to Micheal for wanting to be a scientist instead of a rock star!

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