Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Five: Warmth

Took this from Suzy's blog:

it's friday and time for friday five! want to play along? you can either leave your answers in the comments or leave a comment that you've posted it onto your own blog.

today's topic is things that keep you warm. so, here goes!

What is your favorite blanket like?
Its a down comforter within a blue cover. It is sooo snuggly and warm. I also love to pile on the blankets, especially during winter!

What was the last thing you baked?
Baked chicken and vegetables on Tuesday night.

What television personality gets you most hot and bothered?

That would be DB (from Angel and Bones) or DT (from Dr. Who)

When did you last burn yourself?
Its been so long I have forgotten, but I do remember it was pan handle related...

What are your feelings about hot sauce?
Not really into hot sauce, although I like mildly spicy foods (Indian, etc)

so what are your answers this week?


kimbosue said...

COME ON! Everybody loves hot sauce! :0)

My answers are on my bloggy.

Happy Friday!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Yay for friday five!

Kristin said...

Oh yeah, David Boreanz is YUMMY but I have a real weakness for John Barrowman.

Caba said...

I answered on my blog too ... Happy Friday!

MrsSpock said...

I say YES to DB and DT as well. Raaar.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...