Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Show & Tell - #51

This past summer, when we went to Cape Cod, Michael wanted me to get him this toy. The toy works on a set of magnets to let the ice cream scoops sit on the cone. I figured both kids could play with it, so I got it. Michael, of course, understood how to play with it. Willow did not care about it.

Its amazing how children learn. She is definately on a cognition growth spurt of late. Things are clicking. Last night it was a conversation on the words "all right" and tonight she stated and demonstrated "mine!" a whole bunch of times! She pretends to brush my hair and waves goodnight at the bottom of the stairs each night.

And, she plays with the ice cream parlor toy.

(I think it did help that she had some practice this summer...)

Show and Tell

Click to see who else is Showing and Telling.


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

so cute!

Kristin said...

That is a cool toy and I LOVE that last pic of Willow!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

The store I work for sells M&D toys, and I think they are incredibly cool. I've never seen the ice cream set, tho.

areyoukiddingme said...

Very cute! I love those flower pants too.

Quiet Dreams said...

Too, too cute! (especially that last shot!)

Anonymous said...

It is such an amazing age. Min Man is pulling out all the stops lately. "No problem, Dad." had us belly laughing. Their little voices saying grown up things!

loribeth said...

Very cute! It's fun to watch them try to figure things out.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Very clever girl.

Photogrl said...

Look at her go!

Very cute!

Cara said...

Oh yes -- they start early and just never stop. Every experience is a learning one and she seems like a smart little girl!

Emmy said...

Language acquisition is an amazing thing! Great pictures!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...