Monday, November 30, 2009

Perfect Moments Monday

Moving 800 miles away from family can be hard, especially during the holidays. Over the years, though, we have found people who are in our lives who have become a part of our family and who have opened up their family for us.

Moment #1: For the second year in a row we were invited to a friend's house for Thanksgiving. He is divorced with grown children, loves to cook--and boy, did he cook! We are made to feel a part of his family, it was comfortable and fun. I felt at ease and found I did not have to spend ALL my time looking after my children--others were there, enjoying watching Willow run around, helping Michael play an old Atari game. The Perfect Moment came when I had been talking with someone and started wondering what my toddler had gotten into--and she came out to the dining room, a little brush and dustbin in hand. The person cleaning up the kitchen came out and said "Oh, Willow's fine, she's just helping me out!"

Moment #2: The next day, another friend came over. We were all just relaxing, doing nothing on Black Friday. The Perfect Moment -- my son sitting next to our friend, while he was playing a computer game. Both engaged in talking and playing.

More Perfect Moments Here.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

So wonderful when the little ones start earning their keep, lol!

It sounds like a wonderful holiday, full of family, friends and relaxing.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

That's great! I'm 500 miles from family and I agree it can be very difficult at times. So glad you've found good friends you can rely on.

excavator said...

What a wonderful holiday.

It's so nice to be relaxed with your children in someone else's house. Hyper-alert--that is, trying to catch something before it happens, that is, before the owner catches it--is exhausting.

MrsSpock said...

Holidays away from family must be hard. So good you have "adopted" family to spend them with!

Sheri said...

I am visiting from Weebles Perfect Moment Monday post.

It sounds like you didn't have to look far to find your perfect moments.

Glad you had a great holiday!

kimbosue said...

Glad you have close friends who feel like family!

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

We have close friends here, too and it makes such a difference when you don't have family close by.

Kristin said...

That sounds like a perfectly wonderful holiday!

Cibele said...

I am continents way from my family and having great friends is a HUGE blessing. I am so glad that you have great friends as well

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...