Monday, November 16, 2009

Perfect Moments Monday

Nervously I went. To an unknown woman’s house, to meet unknown women. I am not a social person, I tend to be more of a one on one type person. But. I wanted to go, I felt a need to go. The unknown women were physiological sisters, echo cousins of my internet sisters. Women who were unknown only in name and face, but whose struggles are familiar to me. These women, who I did not know, and who I would not have known, but for the experiences shared in the battlefield of fertility. Women who were braver than I, who are struggling even now, while I am battle worn, but finished. A rush of warmth and comrade flows through me and I enjoy their company and sympathize with their struggles. I am humbled by their bravery.*

* This was the first meeting of the Ruby Feathers Social Club (click to learn more).

More Perfect Moments Here.


Somewhat Ordinary said...

Wow, that is very cool! I find I relate to fellow IF sisters far better than most other people now-a-days.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Did you get to meet any bloggers you'd known online?

How great to have such IRL support. I imagine, being an IF veteran, that you are a welcome fount of wisdom.

Photogrl said...

That is cool!

excavator said...

I'll bet it was a good time.

Sheri said...

I'm visiting from Weebles Wobblog to check out your Perfect Moment Monday post.

Isn't it great to find other people who you can really connect with and be yourself?

Mama Melissa said...

i think it's great you stepped out of your comfort zone and went!!! :)

...thanks for stopping by my blog today! :)

excavator said...

Hi, just dropping by again to thank you for visiting my blog. I forgot to mention yesterday that I'd come over from weebles...

Uh; will your husband be mad at me if he reads my Bob Dylan Christmas post?

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...