Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Show & Tell #54: Putting on Traditions

While we have traditions year round, it does seem like most traditions are centered around the holidays. Each year we take them out, dust them off. Sometimes they are a little stiff at first. Sometimes it takes some wearing down for them to fit properly. Especially when you are starting new traditions, it can take a while to catch on.

And then you find that somewhere along the line, they have become a Family Tradition.

Last night, after a long day at work, an even longer commute to and from a doctor’s session for Michael, I found myself making traditional potato latkes. Not from scratch, mind you—I did not have that type of energy. But, Michael’s class was doing a project on family traditions to coincide with Thanksgiving, so they were supposed to talk/share about a family tradition they liked. I was surprised that my son picked making the potato latkes. It’s a tradition we just started about 6 years ago, where on the first day of Hannukah we make latkes and roast and we invite some friends over and we eat and drink and play driedal. Something small. Something that my son remembers fondly. So, for him, I was making potato latkes for the whole class to share today.

Funny thing about the boxed latkes I bought—they said they make 21 pancakes a box. So I made 2 boxes (cuz, of course his class has 24 children, include teacher—25). I had Michael help—which added to the mess, but I felt since it was a class project he should help. Two boxes, lots of olive oil, lots of small burns on my fingers, many paper towels soaking up extra oil from hot latkes and we had a grand total of 17 small pancakes. (I even made them small, people!). So, I had to get into our family supply box of latkes—and made enough for the class; and to let the whole family have a chance to get an advance on one of our family traditions. (at 10 p.m.!) [and no, Willow was not up for that, although she briefly woke up when the fire alarm went off because too much smoking from the oil, but I digress..]

What a potato latke looks like. (Ours pretty much looked like these)

Tomorrow, one of my favorite Family Traditions—Pies for Breakfast on Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone successful traditons and many memories! Happy Thanksgiving!

Show and Tell

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Photogrl said...

Sounds like something I would be doing...finishing a project at 10pm!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Laura said...

It's 2:43 tonight and I'm still working. We don't have Thanksgiving this week but I set myself the goal of commenting on all the IComLeavWe blogs. I didn't think it would take more than a couple of hours. But, I'm on day/ night two of the project now. lol

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

Yummers! Latkes...

I've never seen your blog, love it.

Stopping by from Show and Tell...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am also trying to do IronCommenter status but it's hard to cook and comment!

tootertotz said...

Yum! Potato latkes are the greatest.

And I love that you are making pies for breakfast for Thanksgiving!! That's a tradition worth adopting.

Glad I stopped by from Show-n-Tell!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a fun and delicious tradition!

Cara said...

My neighbor makes potato pancakes every year and is of the sharing variety!

They are yummy!!

MrsSpock said...

Mmmm...fried taters!

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