Thursday, October 08, 2009

Show & Tell - #49

Today for Show & Tell: My Amazing Technicolor I-Pod!

A few years ago, my husband created a monster by giving me an I-Pod for my birthday. Today, I thought I would share with you what is on my I-Pod. Recently I have been playing Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat; yesterday it was Jesus Christ Superstar. But I don't just have show tunes (although I do have Phantom of the Opera, Le Miz, Lion King, Spamalot, Oklamoha, West Side Story, South Pacific, Camelot...and Once More With Feeling (the soundtrack to the excellent Buffy musical show))

I have eclectic tastes. Just searching through the song list on letter "L", I found songs from Paul Simon, Carpenters, Wierd Al, Iggy Pop, Winston Marsellis, Indigo Girls, Dan Zanes, etc. (Sorry the photos are fuzzy--from my cellphone)

Oh, and lets not forget 80s music and alternative...

Oh, and on the television side, I have Robot Chicken and, of course....

Dr. Horrible!

A shuffle cycle on my I-Pod would be sure to cause seizures...which is why I do playlists instead (hey, my son loves the 60 song playlist of Wierd Al--wouldn't you??!)

Show and Tell

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Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

I've never used an Ipod, being an old lady and all, I'm somewhat challenged by the new technology out there!

Lynn said...

Awesome! I want an Ipod, but right now I have to make do with my regular MP3 player. Ah, well, one day maybe :D Love the collection though! Mine would be just as diverse.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I love Wierd Al too!!! Great play list! Rock On!

Kate said...

I LOVE Dr. Horrible!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a good list of stuff to listen too. And Dr. Horrible is my hero. :)

MrsSpock said...

We are big Weird Al fans here too. Now I have "Lasagna" in my head...

RELH said...

I need an IPod...well, I want an IPod : ) I love W. AL! Funny post!

Kristin said...

Ok, I know I love you. Our musical tastes are equally bizarre and I LOVE Robot Chicken too. Outstanding playlist.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

We could accidently trade iPods and not even know it!

Joseph and JCS are among my favorites, too.

Once A Mother said...

my mp3 player feels so inadequate in comparison... I love that your tastes are so eclectic. You have something on there for every mood and occasion.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...