Monday, October 19, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday: 3 a.m. Conversations

Willow knows her eyes, her nose, her belly botton, sometimes her ears. She loves to point them out on herself and others. She is also working on pointing out her mouth and teeth.

I just wish she wouldn't choose to work on the enterprise at 3 in the morning.

Conversation last night (I guess early this morning) with my nearly 1 1/2 year old:

Her: "Eye" [she puts her finger into her eye to point to it]

Me: "Yes, that is your eye."

Her: "Eye" [again with the finger pointing]

Me: "Yes, that is your eye. Your eyes should be shut now, it is time to be asleep. Shhhh...."

Her: "Eye!"

More Perfect Moments Here.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

You make me laugh!

Points for her discoveries, but I agree that she can work on her timing.

You are a good mama.

Kami said...

Good times!

Sheri said...

I am visiting from Lori's Perfect Moment Monday.

I remember times like that with my kids...I wanted to really enjoy them AND it was the middle of the night AND I was so tired.

Still PERFECT, nonetheless! Thanks for sharing your PMM. :)

Anonymous said...

So cute. It's amazing what they are thinking at those hours of the night. I heard Min Man singing happy birthday at 5 AM.

Quiet Dreams said...

This is so funny...sounds like something you'll be remembering for her later.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Great to read about (since I don't have to do so at 3 am)!

MrsSpock said...

We've been doing an awful lot of that here, but not a 3am. To bed, Willow, to bed!

Anonymous said...

This really touches me....Thanks!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...