Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Show & Tell #39

Okay, here is a fright:

Yes, that is me in my pre-teen years with some of my passions at the time, MJ and horses...

But, I am tired of that coverage, so...

This is Willow and my mom at a resturant. Summertime brings visits from relatives far and wide and Willow is enjoying getting to know her Grandparents...and a plastic straw!

Show and Tell
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Mrs. Gamgee said...

I think I had that same MJ poster... and your little one looks adorable!

The Steadfast Warrior said...

Aww, she's so cute with the spoon! Yay for visits with family and getting to know grandparents.

AwkwardMoments said...

LOOK AT YOU!! SO cute.

Yes, can you explain the straw fascination?

That's a long list of bullets points.

Yah for new jobs, YUCK at single momhood..Glad you survived your mother,

Good Luck with the Meds - I have a post brewing about my mom and adjusting meds ... It is never fun

Happy 4th

JW Moxie said...

FLASHBACK! I am diggin' the poster and you are brave digging that far back into the vault and posting it. I wonder if I have any pictures of me and my Jheri curl around here....

Willow is a cutie!

Kristin said...

Love the flashback picture.

Willow is so adorable playing with that straw.

Rotten said...

OMG, I swear I had the same horse poster in my room!! Hysterical!! Don't you love digging up those old pics? I mean, I look at mine now and think, holy crap, I actually thought I looked H.O.T in that outfit and don't even get me started on my hair!! The 80's were not kind! said...

Adorable! Both you and Willow! Love summertime!

Anonymous said...

I think I had those same glasses in my pre-contacts days :).

I love the straw thing, too!

Anonymous said...

I love visits from family and friends

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...