Monday, July 20, 2009

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: The Shoe Thing
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Christy said...

Oh how completely adorable! What a girlie girl!

MrsSpock said...

Love it! Our son has 2 pairs of shoes, only because he loves to run outside in the mud. One pair are "play" shoes and the other are "day care" shoes.

With a girl, there is way too much room to fuel a cute shoe addiction!

Leah said...

I love it! When I get home, I'll take a picture of Megan's shoe collection and send it to you so that you can see what's in store for you. I got Megan hooked on shoes early (even though I, myself, am not a Shoe Person) and now the girl requires 20 or so pairs each season. :-)

Cibele said...

Look at her! she has the cutest shoes... i love the ones she is wearing!

docgrumbles said...


reminds me of a little girl I know whose first word was "shoes"

Artblog said...

So cute. I should take a pic of LaLas shoe cupboard and we can compare. They are so alike.

But then again, I love shoes so no wonder :)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...