Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You'll Poke Your Eye Out, Kid...UPDATED

Oh lord. My son wants a BB gun for Christmas.

When he first told me today, I thought he was joking. He has seen "Christmas Story". He knows full well what we think of guns. But, no...he wants a BB Gun. Both my husband and I gave the answer--No. But, now, I am torn between getting what my son wants (and he knows about the Santa deal--so, he is talking directly to us) and sticking with our "guns" and saying no. Tonight, when I was putting him to bed, he talked about a gun that shoots bubble gum--I said I would look into it.

Does anyone know of a safe alternative? I know he merely wants to shoot at targets...


I think this looks like a good alternative. I also put some nerf guns onto the wishlist...


Somewhat Ordinary said...

Oh, that is tough! I don't want my son to have a gun either, but where we live it is the norm so I'm sure I'll get asked one day. How about a Nerf gun? I know my brother had one that shot out foam dart things.

docgrumbles said...

yes, yes, Nerf guns! I know of so many BB gun injury stories, and I had a cat shot with one... they aren't bullets, but they can harm!

Unknown said...

Those look fun. There are laser tag guns too. Did you ever play with us at State? I remember your hubby playing at least once.

Delenn said...

Oh yes, I played a couple times. In North Hall. It was fun!

Kim said...

Hey, here from the Lushary. I too am a lowly legal secretary who hasn't had a raise in 3 years. Just thought I would pop over and clink glasses with you.

Kristin said...

Those are cool toy guns.

BTW, here from the lushary...good luck with the daycare and job issues.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...