Saturday, November 22, 2008

Show & Tell #18

Once, 3 years ago, I spent a blizzardy weekend organizing my cabinet space in my kitchen. It was so wonderful to have everything organized.

However, as with everything in my family right now--we are learning to grow and, we bought and had installed this pantry cabinet. (Still working on where the displaced items--like the phone--will go)

This weekend is being spent sorting through the kitchen and organizing the choas within.

I call this--the shelf of things that used to fall on me; the shelf of baby and cat food (please pick from the left for cat food); and the shelf of snacks that the boy can get instead of always asking me to get them while I am busy dealing with a squirming baby.

Show and Tell


Sam said...

ooh you're organised!! I have a cupboard full of boxes and pans and baking stuff that I dread opening it cos it usually all jumps out at me when I attempt to get something out!

Emily (Apron Strings) said...

Wow! Love that the cat and baby food are on the same shelf. I could totally see me getting them mixed up one day though ...

Wishing 4 One said...

A pantry cabinet I so need one of those.

I love your turkey template by the way, too cute!

Cara said...

Organiaztion and cold weather seem to headline show and tell this week!

It feels good, doesn't it? Well - the organized part I mean...not the bitter cold.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Sometimes those stuck-at-home snow days can be such a gift.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Inspiring Show and Tell, I am waiting for the Governor to declare my kitchen pantry and drawers a disaster area.

Lee said...

What a lovely, large looking pantry!


battynurse said...

nice pantry. Someday I want a house with one of those. Good idea to put the snacks down low enough for kids to get them. said...

Hey, can't you have the cat food somewhere else? Like a small half-shelf up there?

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...