Saturday, November 29, 2008

Show & Tell #19

Today was our traditional day for decorating the house for the holidays. We always have done it the Saturday after Thanksgiving, this is a tradition carried over from my family. This year, it took a lot longer than others. Mainly because we had to do a little at a time and then stop and spend time with Willow. Also, Michael had to go to the town's tree lighting ceremony because his Cub Scout Pack was singing during the ceremony (also selling NE Clam Chowder). So, a simple 2-3 hour process of putting up the fake tree and decorations took the whole day. But, it is (almost) done.

We celebrate both Christmas and Hannukah, so we have decorations for both. It was amazing to watch Michael. He knew what we traditionally do, he found lost treasures packed away, he helped decorate. How much he has grown and changed.

Where has my little boy from 2001 gone?

Nothing like the holidays to remind one of the time gone by.

Show and Tell


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Uh, do the Boy Scouts make the clam chowder, or just sell it? I don't eat clam chowder anyway because I'm a vegetarian, but I definitely wouldn't eat soup made by a bunch of little boys. Unless they all have their Hand Washing merit badge.

Kristin said...

What adorable pics! We won't be putting up our tree for another week or two but I can't wait!

Cara said...

Yes, the holidays definately put us in a time warp!

I keep a scrapbook just for a family holiday shot. One page per year. As you flip through it you see the kids (and us) grow and change through the years.

MrsSpock said...

I just took a pic of our boy playing with his toys on the windowsill as well- too cute! said...

Time really does fly by! And what remain are just memories of the days gone by!

Brenda said...

Such sweet pictures!

Sam said...

what a sweetie - they do grow up quite fast don't they!!

I never put my Christmas tree up quite this early, it doesn't seem right somehow - but each to her own of course!

flickrlovr said...

What a little cutie-time sure does fly doesn't it?

Cibele said...

so precious!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...